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2024-09-11 16:48:56 实用文档




  Hello, everyone. First of all, on behalf of the youth travel agency,welcome to Tianjin. Im your tour guide. My name is Qinxiang, and you can callme Xiaoqin. Next to me is our driver, Master Li. Master Li has many years ofdriving experience and is very familiar with the road conditions, which willmake you feel comfortable and safe. If you encounter any difficulties on yourjourney, you can feel comfortable and safe, Must tell me, I will serve youwholeheartedly, also hope you can cooperate with our work, let us share abeautiful journey! I wish you a happy journey, can be happy and return.

  Today, we are going to visit Panshan, which is located at the south foot ofYanshan mountain, 90 kilometers east of Beijing, at the intersection of Beijing,Tianjin, Tang and Chengde. In ancient times, Panshan was called Panlongmountain, Sizheng mountain and Wuzhong mountain. How did the name of Panshancome from? At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao personally led ahundred thousand troops to attack Wuhuan in the north, and the troops marched toWuzhong country. It was midsummer, with heavy rain and muddy roads. Wuhuan armyoccupied the main road, and the small Wuzhong country was unable to raise foodfor one hundred thousand troops. When Cao Cao was in a dilemma, Tian Chou, wholived in seclusion in wuzhongshan, came to the army to offer advice, so that CaoCao won a complete victory. In memory of Tian Chou, later generations changedWuzhong mountain into Tian Panshan, later referred to as Panshan (it seems thatit has nothing to do with Tian Chou, ha ha).

  Panshan is known as "the first mountain in the east of Beijing" in theworld, with the famous sites of "five peaks", "eight stones" and "three plates".The main peak, Guayue peak, is 864.4 meters above sea level. It is surrounded byzigai peak in the front, Zilai peak in the back, Jiuhua peak in the East andWujian peak in the West. At the same time, it is especially famous for Songshengin Shangpan, Shisheng in zhongpan and Shuisheng in xiapan. It is called "Sanpanscenic spot" and is known as "scenery step by step and classic scenery". EmperorQianlong visited Panshan many times and wrote down the famous sentence "if youknew there was Panshan, why go to Jiangnan".

  After listening to the above introduction, I believe you have a generalunderstanding of Panshan. How about Panshan? Please visit it in person and thenmake an evaluation. We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Pleaseremember that our car is a white golden dragon, and the license plate is Jina1234. The car is parked on the left side of the parking lot. We are stillgathering on the car at 1 pm. Please take your valuables with you and get offwith me.

  Now we have come to the entrance of the tourist area. There is a tall threehole memorial archway. On the front, there is AI xinjueluo puzuos inscription:"the first mountain in Jingdong". On the back, there is fan Runhuasinscription: "the mountains are Emerald". Now lets go inside and pass the threehole Mountain Gate with yellow tiles and red walls. On the huge stone facing us,there are four big characters of "three plates of dusk rain", which was writtenby Mao Chang, the former vice mayor of Tianjin. "Sanpan dusk rain" is a uniquelandscape of Panshan, which is one of the "ten sceneries of Jinmen". "Sanpan"refers to the "Sanpan scenery" of Panshan, and "dusk rain" refers to the cloudsin the evening.

  Facing this huge stone standing in the air, it is engraved with two bigcharacters of "entering victory", which are five feet in diameter and powerful.It is written by Rong Lu, the Bachelor of Wenhua hall, the Minister of militaryaircraft in the late Qing Dynasty. Entering victory means that we have begun toenter the realm of victory.

  Keep going. Here are two lines of inscriptions on the cliff. One line is"sizhengmenjing". Panshan is also called sizhengshan, which means that it passesthrough the gate of Panshan. The other line is "Minglu entering the valley",which refers to the sound of chariots and horses of the rich. There is a hugestone not far away. What is it? Lets go and have a look. This is the famousyuan gem. It is named because it is wide in the top and narrow in the bottom,and it looks like a Yuan Bao. On the top there are several lines with big words:"there are mountains, strange rocks and rare pines here.".

  Facing this thousand year old pine, with a trunk circumference of eightfeet and a height of three feet, this is the welcoming pine in Panshan. Forthousands of years, many emperors and generals, noble families, faithful men andwomen, literati and poets have come here to have a rest, recite poems and praisePanshan.

  If you go further, what we see now is Dashiqiao. Emperor Qianlong had arest here when he visited Panshan. Now I invite you to have a rest here. Illtell you a story. One year, Emperor Qianlong came to Panshan and went toDashiqiao. Seeing the beautiful scenery here, he made a decree to have a rest.He wrote the first couplet: to visit Panshan and walk the road for several days.Liu Yong took the lead in the second couplet: to visit Rehe and drink hot winefor a few days. As soon as Qianlong heard of Rehe, he immediately lost his face.It turned out that before that, Qianlong had gone to Rehe to leave the palacefor the summer. At that time, there was a popular saying: the emperors villa isreally a summer resort, but the people are in Rehe. This word spread into hisears, naturally greatly angry. Seeing this, Liu Yong quickly added: "long live,the scenery here is so beautiful, you should make another couplet to leteveryone be right." so Qianlongs mood got better again, and he added anothercouplet: bafangqiao, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang,Bafang, Bafang. This baffled several ministers, but Ji Xiaolan knelt down infront of Qianlong and blurted out: "long live grandfather, long live kneel down,long live grandfather, long live, long live Lord, long live, long live. SoEmperor Qianlong was very happy, and Longyan was very happy.

  Well, after listening to the story and having a rest, please continue towalk with me. Our next scenic spot is Tiancheng temple. The old name ofTiancheng temple is Fushan temple, which is just like a natural design. It takesthe meaning of Tiancheng picture, so its called Tiancheng temple. Well, now wehave come to Tiancheng temple. It was first built in the Tang Dynasty. It wasexpanded and rebuilt in Liao, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Since the reign of Kangxiin the Qing Dynasty, emperors of several generations have visited Tianchengtemple. Emperor Qianlong has visited Tiancheng Temple most frequently, and hisdouble monk Kong Hai has become a monk here. "Tiancheng Temple" on the templegate was mentioned by Qianlong. Before entering the temple gate, please turnaround and take a look at the building behind you - woyunlou, which is twostories high, six Ying, Huadong carved beams and high ridge cornices. It is veryspectacular. Every rainy day, white clouds often pass through the valley, orhide the building, or pass through the building. It is very interesting, so itis named woyunlou. At the foot of the mountain opposite woyunlou, there is aplatform, which is the site of a small stage. In the past, when Emperor Qianlongwas resting in woyunlou, the imperial troupe performed on the stage.

  Now, lets walk into Tiancheng Temple together. The first thing we see isJiangshan Pavilion. These five words were also mentioned by Emperor Qianlong.Please follow me this way, through the winding corridor, we came to a high damplatform, facing the huge stone lying on the back, engraved with the word"quiet". On the east side of the hall, there is a stele made by EmperorQianlong, on which are his personal notes of traveling to Panshan and his poemsabout Panshan. Now lets take a look at the ancient Buddha relic pagoda ofWansong temple. It has thirteen octagonal stories and a delicate structure.There are 104 bronze statues hanging on the dense eaves of the thirteen stories.The pagoda is glittering with gold, and the mountain wind is blowing slowly. Thepagoda was built in the Liao Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is nowlisted as a key cultural relic protection unit in Tianjin.

  Well, weve visited all the major scenic spots here. Now we can movefreely. We must pay attention to safety. We dont watch the scenery when wewalk. We dont walk when we watch the scenery. Now its disbanded. Dont forget1:00 in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain. Well get together on time.Xiaoqin is waiting for you there.

  Everyone is here, and our journey today is almost over. Im reallyreluctant to be separated from you. Xiaoqin is here to thank you for yourcooperation in my work. If you have any comments or suggestions on our service,please let us know. We will correct in time to provide you with better service.I wish you a happy life and good health in the future. If you are lucky, letsmeet again in Tianjin.


  Good passengers!

  Im the tour guide lu jihao. You can call me lu. This is the scenic spot of this tour - the fujian tulou.

  Nanjing county, the hometown of fujian province, has more than 15,000 types of tulou, among which more than 1, 300 of them are of the "tulou kingdom". Among them, the two buildings, such as the earth floor group, the river pit, the huitu building and the building, are also listed as the world cultural heritage. Now, lets go to yuchang building, come with me!

  See? This is yuchang building. Yuchang building is also called "dongting", as the name implies, he is crooked, but miraculously, it doesnt look like it is crooked, lets go in and see what it is! You dont have to panic, it has been like this for more than 600 years, and the pillars of the gallery are leaning to the left and right. The biggest Angle is fifteen degrees, like a weak wind. How about that? Isnt that amazing? Next, lets take a look at it.

  Look, this is the chengqi building. It is typical of the inside corridor, the outside diameter is 612.6 meters. It is composed of four concentric circles. The outer ring floor is the kitchen, the second floor is the barn, three or four floors of the bedroom, the whole building has more than three hundred rooms. It will take nearly a year to get a night in each room, and the size of the building is huge.

  It is said that! The funds for the construction of the tulou were dug out of the pirate capital, and there were eight sacks of silver.

  The following is your free activity time, please take good care of their belongings, attention to environmental protection, at 5 PM in this collection, I wish everyone have a good time!


  Erhai Lake, once known as yeyuze, kunmichuan, Xierhe and Xierhe in ancientliterature, is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It is thesecond largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province and the seventh largestfreshwater lake in China. Erhai Lake starts from Eryuan in the north, with alength of about 42.58 km. The only outlet of Erhai Lake is near Xiaguan town andflows out through Xier river.

  Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake depend on each other. Erhai Lake is one ofthe four scenic spots in Dali. It is said that it is named Erhai Lake because itlooks like an ear. Erhai Lake has excellent water quality and rich aquaticresources. At the same time, it is also a scenic spot with beautifulscenery.

  The scenery of Erhai Lake is changeable and colorful. In the early morning,the mist is light, the lake is confused, the smoke is endless, waiting for thesunrise in the east to open the veil, revealing the beautiful face; the risingsun, the rising sun, the golden waves, the fishing boat sail. As the sun sets inthe west, the afterglow falls, the boat returns to the shore, and the fishingsongs sing late. On a moonlit night, the water is still, the wind is light, theshadow of the moon is shining, and the waves are lapping on the shore. "Nightmoon in Erhai Lake" has become one of the four wonders of Dali, "Shangguan wind,Xiaguan flower, Cangshan snow and Erhai Lake moon". Whats more strange is thatdue to the strong wind in Shangguan, the water waves of the Xier River areblown back. Originally, Erhai Lake flows out of the Xier River, but it lookslike the Xier river flows into Erhai Lake.

  Erhai Lake is a fault subsided lake with clear water and high transparency,which has been called "flawless jade among mountains" since ancient times. It issaid that there is a huge jade cabbage growing on the bottom of the sea. Thegreen water of the lake is the jade liquid pouring out from the bottom of thejade cabbages heart. A boat tour of Erhai Lake

  Although this is an old-fashioned link, Dali is flexible because of thewater, so Erhai Lake has almost become one of the scenic spots that cant bemissed.

  Step 1: take the No.8 bus to yuer road and buy the ticket from any ticketcenter. Or you dont have to go to the ticket center. There will be persistentlocal people on the road. Ticket sellers will stop you to buy tickets. If theprice is almost the same, just buy one. The price is about 140 yuan, usually80-100 yuan in non peak season.

  Step 2: buy some water and snacks for the cruise.

  Step three: get on board. The ship will be dispatched at different times.Tour route: xiaoputuo Nanzhao style island. In fact, its not very interestingto be on the island. Its a serious business to blow the wind on the Erhaisea.

  Step four: disembark. The place to get off the ship is not Dali port.Generally, you get off at Taoyuan wharf and go back to Dali ancient city at 10yuan per person. You can also take a taxi here to the next scenic spot. Such asthe Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple.


  Dear visitors:

  Hello Everybody! now our automobile is going on the Badaling highway,must enter the Badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.Front that mountain is the Jundu, the Badaling Great Wall occupies onthis mountain. In the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time,our country ancient times the people on already started to constructthe Great Wall, at that time the feudal lord strove for hegemony, inorder to protect own territory not to encroach, therefore hasconstructed the Great Wall in abundance in respective boundary, wascalled mutually guards against the Great Wall.

  But our country once appeared three to construct the Great Wall thepeak, respectively was the Qin Great Wall, the Chinese Great Wall,bright Great Wall. Chin Shihhuang in 221 B.C. unified area south ofYellow River, has established the Qin dynasty, in order to strengthenthe rule north, defends nomads invasion, therefore will send thesenior general to hoodwink 恬 300,000 armies and very many laborforces the original north swallow, Zhao, the Qin Great Wall haslinked, and performed to expand, the lasted 9 years constructed westnear east to be continuous Wan Li to Liaodong the Great Wall, thisalso will be in the Chinese history the together Great Wall. To theHan Dynasty, Martial emperor of Han dynasty also was for strengthenthe defense, "was not called Hu Madu the Yin", has constructed anearly 20,000 mile Great Wall, simultaneously this also has protectedthe new development Silk Road, the Chinese Great Wall is the Qin GreatWall together the front position and the defense line, west itXinjiang, east arrived Liaodong, was in the Chinese history constructsthe Great Wall longest dynasty. But the bright Great Wall is in theChinese history constructs the Great Wall the high point, the projectis big, essence of the technical is unique. Same year Zhu Yuanzhangestablished Ming Dynasty in the unification nation in the process, hasaccepted "Gao Zhuqiang, Guang Jiliang, slow name king" suggestion. Atthat time Yuan Dynasty although already perished, but also ismaintaining the quite complete military power, in addition graduallyrises Nuzhen races unceasing invasion, therefore starts to constructthe Great Wall. The Ming Dynasty large-scale constructed the GreatWall to achieve 18 were next many, only then basically has last yearsfinished to the Ming Dynasty, east nearby Liaoning Dandong YaluRivers Hushan, west to Gansu Jiayuguans bright Great Wall span 6,350kilometers. The bright Great Wall has three characteristics, buildsthe construction completely, manages the consummation, the layout isstrict. But we saw today the Badaling Great Wall is a bright GreatWalls part. But Great Wall in our country ancient times mostprimitive goal although is the defense, but at the same time it alsoplayed other roles. First is the military function, the second pieceis the economical function, it not only promoted the development andthe northern border economy development which opens up wasteland,moreover also is the area south of Yellow River common people enjoys agood and prosperous life, third promoted various nationalitiesfusion. In addition, it has also protected the communication andpromoted the to foreign countries opening up. What is worthmentioning, in our country ancient times, not only only has thesethree time constructs the Great Wall the experience, according to thestatistics, in about in 20xx, successively some more than 20 feudallords country and the feudal dynasty all has constructed the GreatWall, some people have made the sketchy computation, if the Great Wallwill rebuild together the height 5 meters, the depth 1 meter big wall,will many circle the Earth 10 many all to have the wealth. Famousfolklore: The beacon-fire play feudal lord and Meng Jiangnyu cry GreatWall also is occurs in the Great Wall. Now, the Great Wall afterpasses through several time repairs and maintains, basically restoredthe former appearance, is included in 1987 by the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "World cultureInheritance Name list", moreover it or now in world longest defensivecity wall! Proliferated the our country 16 areas, the span hasachieved 10. 80,000 miles.

  We passed through a moment ago the road, took place in Yu Guangou.Guan Gou is the Mt. yanshan sierra and Jundu sierra junction meetingplace, south Changping area Nankouzhen, northwest to Yanqing CountyBadaling Great Walls area just outside the city gate, span 40 miles.Is the area south of Yellow River area leads to northwest plateau thepharynx and larynx important highway. The Ming Dynasty has arrangedfour defense lines in here, respectively is the Nankou pass, occupiesthe commonplace pass, on closes, Badaling. Folds on the green jademountain in Guan Gouzhong, once had Jin Dynasty famous Yanjing one ofeight scenery: Occupies commonplace folds the green jade, what a pitynow the landscape already no longer existed.

  We saw a moment ago that railroad was designs the construction by ourChinese the first railroad, designs Peking-Kalgan line by ZhanTianyou. Because Badaling area topography complex, the technicaldifficulty are very many, therefore Zhan Tianyou designs the personfont railroad, the success solved the train not to be able directly toclimb and the curve difficult problem, but made a connection longreaches 1,091 meters tunnels also to sigh the Chinese and foreignpublic figure the clothing. Now the bronze statue which sets up in theblack dragon bridge train station is Zhan Tianyou, but also has themonument.

  Closes the ditch because of to occupy the commonplace pass but to befamous, we may see front the grand construction occupies thecommonplace pass, its name origins from the Qin dynasty, to ChinShihhuang moves "the commonplace person" in here to live thereforeacquires fame. In the area inside the great wall, some famous whitemarble Shitai, It is Yuan Dai as soon as has sat the streettower, above originally has three Tibet type pagoda, destroyed in theafterwards earthquake. The Ming Dynasty in the original position ] hasestablished the Taian temple, but has been destroyed in the KangxiDynasty, only leaves behind now us to see the column foundation andlooks the column. Baiyu Shitaithe area has 310 square meter under Ticket Gate onto engrave has the lion, the elephant, the weird creature, relief andso on Jin Chiniao, separately represented the Buddhism Dense Ancestor fivesides five Buddhas place to ride, but also had Tianlongbabu toprotect buddhist law the deity the relief. On the endophragm also hadthe four great heavenly gods relief and the god beastly design, theticket goes against also covers entirely daturas pattern, in theflower has engraved has the image of Buddha, altogether 2,215. Alsosome six kind of languages engrave "tuoluoNepal After Incantation" and "Make TowerMerit To record", these all are Yuan Dai artistic high-quality goods,has the very high artistic value.

  The Badaling Great Wall is in the bright Great Walls outstandingrepresentative, because here extends in all directions, thereforebecomes Badaling. Possibly everybody can ask that, why has to speakthe Great Wall to construct in here? Actually this mainly is becauseof the Badaling area important geographical position. It not only isguarding the bright imperial tomb, moreover also is Beijingsnorthwest front door.

  The Badaling Great Wall is in the history many significant eventstestimonies, for example the dreary queen mother Patrols Good fortune, Yuan Taizuenters the pass, west Empress Dowager Cixi runs away and so on,Badaling all is after all the road. Speaks of here, but also somestory must say for everybody: Is located closes the east end gateroadside, some megalith, the fable the Eight Power Expeditionary Forceattacked into Beijing in 1900, Cixi runs away in the west on the waypasses through here, once stood in this stone other day looks thenational capital, therefore this stone on is also called looks theBeijing stone. But present this stone already not that highlighted.

  Some speech everybody certainly knew that, Not to Great Wall non- realman. Introduced a moment ago that many landscape, you are certainlyanxious want to arrive the scenic area to tour, does not use theworry, you also had to become the real man immediately. Good, here isthe famous Badaling Great Wall distant place is the grand scenery, butdownward looked is the Great Wall important constituent old man city,he generally all constructs on the strategic in position keycommunication line. Between old man city two is distanced 63.9 meters,the west gate inscribed horizontal tablet: Key to defense of thenorth, I already have said in front. The east gate inscribedhorizontal tablet is: Occupies the commonplace outside town, themeaning occupies a commonplace outside the passes strategic place. Nowwe looked to the right release that, is ascending Chengkou the southside to exhibit a cannon, named: Invincible might general. IsChong Zhen Year the manufacture.

  The Badaling Great Wall has three two walls compositions, what isthree two walls? Now lets me give everybody to explain, threerespectively are the tower on a city wall, the enemy tower, tower on acity wall structure is extremely simple, only is the officers andsoldiers which guards evades the cold the place. That enemy towerstructure relative wants complex somewhat, divides into two, the lowerlevel is by the field, the well, returns, and so on the glyphcomposes, the upper formation has the crenel and looks the hole isobserves the military situation and the archery uses, therefore herealso has defends enemys function.

  Under arrived the beacon tower, also is called the beacon-fire, wolfYantai. Is disagrees the Great Wall connected independentconstruction. Once the enemy Attack, lights the beacon-firenotification military situation, the ancient rewards the smoke whichthe daytime lights to be called Beacon-fire, the evening is called the flint.Ming Dynasty time, but also has made the strict stipulation to thebeacon-fire and enemys relations that, Enemy hundred, burn a smokeartillery; Five Caucasians, burn two smoke two artillery; Abovethousand people, three smoke three artillery; Above 5,000 people, foursmoke four artillery; Above ten thousand people, five smoke fiveartillery. On through this way, in the border pass military situationcan the rapid transmission palace wall imperial palace.

  Said three, under on said next two walls. The Great Wall flank tallwall is called the wall, has the crenel is uses for to defend theenemy. But the inside insufficient meter high is called the daughterwall, also is called the space wall. In most starts the Great Wallinside is does not have the daughter wall, but frequently some peoplecan fall down the cliff, therefore has constructed this wall. Each notfar has a small drainage in the Great Wall lower part of wall place,rainy day time by spits the tap to outside to drain water, in order toavoid the water washes out the city wall. But inside Great Walls walluses the stone block to cast, outside builds the brick, again spreadsout the flagstone in above, thus causes the building to be extremelyreliable!


  Dear tourists

  Hello, everyone. Welcome to Beijing Summer Palace with me. My name is Wu Siyu. You can call me director Wu; children can call me sister Wu; if you want to be more direct, you can call me "Wu Siyu".

  The summer palace is located in Haidian District, northwest suburb of Beijing, 15 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing. It is a large-scale natural landscape garden built on the basis of Kunming Lake and Wanshou mountain, based on the West Lake landscape of Hangzhou, absorbing some design techniques of Jiangnan gardens, Gongyu garden, covering an area of about 290 hectares and artistic conception. It is also the most complete preserved royal garden. The summer palace is the largest and best preserved Royal Garden in China. It is one of the four famous gardens in China (the other three are Chengdes summer resort, Suzhous Humble Administrators garden and Suzhous Lingering Garden). Known as the Royal Garden Museum. In addition, I would like to remind you that you must not litter, especially on the lake.

  The main building in the summer palace is the Buddhist Pavilion on longevity hill. The FOXIANG Pavilion is built on a square platform with a height of 21 meters; the pavilion is 40 meters high, with eight faces, three floors and four eaves; there are eight giant iron pear Optimus in the pavilion, with a very complex structure, which is a classic architectural boutique. Cloisters and corner pavilions are common forms of gardens.

  The length of the promenade of the summer palace is about 728 meters, which is the longest in the world. There are more than 14000 pictures on the corridor, all of which are traditional stories or flowers, birds, fish and insects. On the East Bank of Kunming Lake, the eight corner double eaves are like pavilions, which is also the largest in China. In addition, the beamless hall on the top of Wanshou mountain is built with bricks and stones, without a single support, so the technical level is very high.

  Kunming Lake used to be a natural lake formed by many springs in the northwest suburb of Beijing. It used to be named qililo lake and Dapo lake. The predecessor of Kunming Lake is wengshanpo, which is named wengshanpo because Wanshou mountain was named wengshan. Wengshan park is located in the western suburb of Beijing, also known as the West Lake. Kunming Lake is as quiet as a mirror and green as a jasper. Boats and boats glide slowly across the lake. Theres almost no trace left. Looking to the East, you can see some old towers and white pagodas.

  Thank you very much for visiting the summer palace with me. Now we can find a hotel to stay here for one night. If you want to visit other places, you can continue to visit. Goodbye!


  Laomendong, did you go? Today I went to laomendong. It is located in the south of the old city in Qinhuai District of Nanjing City, with coop alley as the central axis, supplemented by three camps, Zhongying and bianying.

  At first, I was still very curious. Old Mendong, is he old?

  At the gate, I know that there are former residences of Jiang Shoushan and Fu Shanxiang in santiao camp. Jiang Shoushan, also known as Jiang Shiquan, Hui nationality, was a rich businessman in Nanjing in the late Qing Dynasty. It is said that he made his fortune by driving donkeys. He was called donkey Jiang. He has a number of real estate in Nanjing, now know there are three: one is located at the entrance of Taiping lane, now Taiping shopping mall new building. There is also a place in the three battalions east of the South Gate of the city. Fu Shanxiang was born in Jinling (now Nanjing) in the late Qing Dynasty. Born in a scholarly family, he is very intelligent and likes to read classics and history. The first female champion in the period of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Kutong lane was originally named after the gathering of Kutong workers from Shen Wansan, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. Shen Wansan was born in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty. He is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that his family has a cornucopia. It looks old enough!

  As soon as I saw coop alley, I saw a wonderful purple flower at the entrance of coop alley, fresh and chic. In front of the far and near hall, there is a kind-hearted Guanyin at the door. There are all kinds of jade ornaments in the hall, which is very old. Whats more strange is that there is a big coop next to the hall. There is a tree planted in the coop. Mother said that the coop can protect the tree from being blown down by the wind, and the tree can protect the coop from the sun and dust. The rickshaw, which is a few steps away from the bucket, is even more fresh. The rickshaw is all made of Ben tou, but it cant see any metal! Its waiting there loyally, as if its owner will leave at any time, and its owner is a kind-hearted man. He wrote a lucky note on the rickshaw: "when the horse comes, good luck will come!"

  Walking about 10 meters further, a noodle makers stall appeared, which really attracted me. Look at the monkey king holding up his golden cudgel, the sunflower opening up in the wind, the naughty pleasant goat nodding, and the beautiful goat raising her hand.

  On the pink wall at the end of the alley, I saw the childrens song with pictures and texts. I couldnt help but feel happy: "the gate of the city is a few feet high, thirty-six feet high, ride a flower horse, take a knife, walk under the gate; the gate of the city is a few feet high, thirty-six feet high, ride a white horse, take a knife, walk into the gate and fall.

  Laomendong is the crystallization of Nanjings ancient history and culture. It is a bright pearl in Nanjings history. It has the former residences of Jiang Shoushan, Fu Shanxiang, etc. some ancient idioms such as Jiang langcai, the finishing touch and so on are waiting for you to watch!


  Luzhou Dongwo Gorge Scenic Spot is located in Luohan Town, Longmatan District, Luzhou, 20 kilometers away from Shizhong District. It flows into the lower reaches of Longxi river of the Yangtze River, adjacent to the Yangtze River, CNOOC and the international container terminal of Luzhou port. It is a natural oxygen bar in the world.

  Dongwo Gorge Scenic Spot is named after Dongwo hydropower station, which is the second in China and the first in the province. It is the first of its own design and construction in China, and the first of its kind in Sichuan. At the beginning of the plant, power generation has continued. It is a living cultural relic to record and show the history of Chinas old industry. After nearly a century of vicissitudes, with the support of governments at all levels, Mr. Xue Yongbin invested in the construction. The original ancient Sleeping Buddha, Buddha head, Dongbin cliff and other landscapes have been restored, and arhat stone carvings, Xiaomi arhat, drunken man and cable bridge have been built with heavy investment.

  Beautiful mountains and clear waters, looking from afar, as if the feeling of living in the mountains arises spontaneously.

  Looking at the waterfall from a small boat, it has a unique style. The folk culture of Dongwo Gorge Scenic Spot has a long history. Folklore is vivid. There are stories about the gathering of eight immortals and the beautiful legend of the little white dragon fossil. Its mysterious, elegant, wonderful and vivid, which makes you infatuated. The natural scenery is so beautiful that it makes you feel relaxed and happy. Its an ideal place for your sightseeing and vacation.

  Luzhou Donggong hotel is located in Luzhou Dongwo Gorge Scenic Area, Qunfeng village, Luohan Town, Longmatan district. It is a natural oxygen bar in the world. The hotel is 19 kilometers away from Shizhong District, adjacent to CNOOC and Luzhou port international container terminal.

  Donggong hotel was built in the 20th centuryxxx April 20xx, 20xxx Jungong hotel is decorated in the style of Ming and Qing Dynasty. It is rich, auspicious and prosperous. The interior and exterior decoration is exquisite, elegant and gorgeous. It is spacious, bright, elegant and comfortable. It is integrated with the 20 sceneries of Dongwo and has a panoramic view of the natural landscape. It is an ideal place for your vacation, leisure and business activities.

  Donggong Hotel integrates catering, entertainment, leisure and accommodation. There are 10 private rooms and one multi-function hall in the Chinese restaurant. It has a unique style and can accommodate 420 people at the same time. Senior chefs are in charge of it. There are rich delicacies, giving people a unique enjoyment of food culture and art; Equipped with Qingba, luxury KTV rooms, soft lighting, elegant style and exquisite food, it is a good place for leisure, entertainment, business negotiation and emotional exchange; the conference center has reasonable layout and complete facilities, which can undertake small and medium-sized business meetings and development training meetings; There are 33 luxury guest rooms, including single room, double room and deluxe suite, with a total of 80 beds, which can meet the accommodation needs of different people.


  Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County,Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channelsancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: Theearliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preservednow; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliestplane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane;The biggest clay sculptured statue of Avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in China;The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more preciousfact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand yearsof rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancientMonastery of thousand years.

  Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on thearch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy.The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the westernTsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which wascalled Siadading in ancient time and now it is called big roof. On the two endsof the plane ridge, there are inward Chiweis. Chi denoted sparrow hawk inancient time, which is a kind of fierce bird. The stand base of the gate iscomparatively low, but the hall pinnacle is much higher above eaves and thepottery animal figures look sturdy; solemn and sturdy. There is no ceilinginside the pinnacle, therefor the painted beam and purlieus are visible. Thewhole piece is exquisitely wrought, simple arranged and skillfully done, forwhich people gasp in administration.

  Crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - AvalokitesvaraPavilion, 23 m in height. Form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, butinside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. On the eavescorners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little Buddha statues ride.Copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a speciallyrefined scene. The most attractive thing is the structure of Dougong (sets ofbrackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaveswithout——each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called Gong,cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called Dou). It is made of overlapping Dougongshaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms witheach layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part,thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. It makes eaves of the pavilion look likeflying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.

  Entering the Avalokitesvara Pavilion, the very sight is a huge standingAvalokitesvara Statue. If one stands by it, his height is only up to her ankle.The Statue, 16.27 m in height, is the biggest clay sculpture of Avalokitesvarain China. Two statues of attendant Bodhisattvas under the knee of Avalokitesvaraare also 3 m in height. On the crown of the head of Avalokitesvara, there are 10small Avalokitesvares heads, hence it is called 11 faces Avalokitesvara.Reviewing around the inner part of the pavilion, one can discover that pillarsof high and low storeys are not directly linked through, but the pillars of theupper storey are ed into the arch head of that of lower storey. The upperstorey of the pavilion is in a form of six corners empty well, while the lowerstorey is in a form of square empty well. This kind of structure is not onlybeautiful and strong, but also adds the space of the upper part of Budhastatues. On the four walls inside the pavilion, colorful murals are painted, thetheme of which is the images of 16 Arhats and 2 Ming Dynasty Emperors, which arethe earliest subjects of Buddhism. On he murals, 2 m high Arhats with 3 headsand 4 arms are extremely lifelike and Ming Emperors on the four walls are fullof power and grandeur. On the upper part of the murals, there are mountains,forest, cloud and river, while on the lower part, there are paintings of secularthemes with vivid and natural lines, which embody the superb the skill and artsof painting of ancient Buddhism in China.


  Xiangshan is located in the western suburb of Beijing. Besides appreciatingmaple, it is also a royal garden with a long history and rich culturalheritage.

  There are "Xishan Qingxue", one of the eight sceneries in Yanjing; Biyuntemple, a temple with the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties; theonly existing wooden and gilded "500 arhat hall" in China; Zongjing Dazhaotemple, a palace to welcome the sixth Panchen Lama; jianxinzhai, a quaintcourtyard with Jiangnan characteristics; Here is Shuangqing villa, the firstplace where the great man of the century fromthe stone dragon into the mouth, summer new Lotus Ting Li, goldfish play. Thepool is surrounded by three corridors in the East, South and North, with a smallpavilion extending into the pool. There are three pavilions in the west of thepool, that is, the heart room. After zhaihou, the mountains are rugged and thepines and cypresses are green. The whole courtyard is quiet and elegant, whichmakes people forget to return. At that time, Emperor Qianlong studied here andgave banquets to his officials.


  Hello friends, welcome to the beautiful Anhui Province. Im Wang Ping, tour guide of Anhui travel agency. Im very glad to meet you. I will serve you with my sincerity and infect you with my smile. I hope you have a good time here.

  Before arriving at the scenic spot, ask you, have you ever been to heaven? I guess you havent been. It doesnt matter. Xiao Wang will take you today. Although this paradise is a copycat version, it is also the only one in the world, such as fake exchange. Tiantangzhai scenic spot is located in the southwest of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, at the north foot of Dabie Mountain, bordering Yingshan County, Hubei Province and Luotian County, Hubei Province. The total area of the scenic spot is 120 square kilometers. The whole mountain is high in the South and low in the north. There are dozens of peaks over 1000 meters. The main peak, Tianji peak, is 1729.13 meters above sea level, which is the second peak of Dabie Mountain. Tiantangzhai is not only the junction mountain of Anhui and Hubei, but also the watershed of Yangtze River and Huaihe River. Because of its good ecological environment, it is known as the territory of plants, the kingdom of animals, the world of water purification, the sea of clouds, the hometown of giant salamanders and the territory of Rhododendron. The scenic spot is now a national geopark, a National Forest Park, a National Nature Reserve and a national 5A tourist attraction.

  I believe you cant wait for so much. Dont worry. Before you get off the bus, first of all, Id like to make three rules with you: when you visit the scenery, you must pay attention to safety, so that you dont watch the scenery when you walk, and dont walk when you watch the scenery. At the same time, we should protect the environmental health of the scenic spot, not littering and cigarette butts, not to mention learning from the monkey king lettering. Practice has proved that "celebrity" is not so good.

  When we enter the scenic area, we have to transfer to the bus. Please follow me and line up for the bus. The destination ahead of us is tiger shaped. Now we are walking on the winding mountain road in the scenic area. You can see the peak on your left. It is called Baima peak, with an altitude of 1488 meters. It is named because the mountain looks like a horse. It is composed of saddle, horseback and horsetail. What we see in front of us is the horses buttocks. The cliff of Baima peak is 1000 meters long, and it is an abyss; the rock on the ridge is exposed, which is magnificent and precipitous. Every time after the rainstorm, the clouds and fog rise in the valley, just like a white horse galloping in the sea of clouds, causing peoples imagination of flying in the sky. On a fine day, the sun shines on the white cliff, just like the white snow on the mountain. The formation of Mawei clear snow, Anshan sunset and other unique landscape, very magnificent. Look, its the plank road of Baima peak. Visitors can go to the top of Baima peak directly through the plank road. The plank road is built against the cliff, which is daunting. If there is a chance, those who have courage can try to climb and practice courage.

  This is the tiger shaped parking lot. We are going to climb on foot

  I believe you have heard the rumble of water. Thats right. Qianfang is the first waterfall in Tiantang village. The first waterfall is called jiuying waterfall. The mountain spring water falls from 70 meters high into the deep pool, which is very quiet and beautiful. The white veins on the cliff behind the waterfall are winding, like an eagle and a dragon. There is a famous saying that mountains are not deep, immortals are famous, water is not deep, and dragons are spirit. This place is also a place where aura gathers. The content of negative oxygen ions in the air here is very high. It is a natural oxygen bar. We must take a few deep breaths here to touch the spirit of immortals.

  Lets move on from the wooden plank road on the right. Come on, everyone. Well, after coming up, we come to the second waterfall. The second waterfall is called lover waterfall, also called curtain waterfall. She is 44 meters high, the water is gentle, several twists and turns, just like a girl playing with her hair, how charming. In the second waterfall, there is another bright spot. Please look up. This is a huge chestnut tree. Lets find out where the bright spot is. Yes, a small pine tree grows in the middle of the trunk of the chestnut tree. In this era of fighting father, Maoli tree is the godfather of little pine tree. Im kidding. This is a unique phenomenon in the mountains, which is a common method of plant reproduction in mountainous areas. This is the legendary offshoot.

  Go on to the third waterfall, which is Xieyu waterfall. Xieyu waterfall has both the magnificence of jiuying waterfall and the softness of lover waterfall. The flowing water clings to the cliff and rolls up the white water, just like Xieyu. The name of Xieyu waterfall comes from this. We will take the cableway up the mountain from here. Ropeway two people a group, please free combination. Pay attention to your left side when sitting in the cableway. You will see the remaining two waterfalls from the air, lady waterfall and silver bow waterfall.

  After a 20 minute air walk, you will arrive at Tianping peak, which is 1660 meters above sea level. From here, you can have a panoramic view of Jingchu. A little to the right is a stone tablet with the inscription "the border of Anhui and Hubei". Now the road we take is the junction of Anhui Province and Hubei Province. It is no exaggeration to say that your left foot is in Hubei and your right foot is in Anhui. It is the so-called one foot across the two provinces, looking at the Yangtze and Huaihe River. On the back of the monument, there are five words engraved with the Yangtze Huaihe River watershed. Yes, this is the watershed between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River. The waterfalls and springs you see when you go up the mountain belong to the Huaihe River system. When you pass here, on the other side of the mountain, there is the Yangtze River system. Its just like a persons life. When you are born, everyone is at the origin. If you choose different roads, you will have completely different scenery. Therefore, its very important to choose. Behind every choice is an opportunity, which tells us that we should make the best use of it Grasp every choice of life.

  If you go further, the peak in front of you is Matou peak. Do you think it looks like a horse that is eating grass with its head down? This is the mouth of the horse. The pine tree on its back is like a horses mane. Its very beautiful. In fact, there is something hidden in this mountain. If you look from right to left, does it look like a camel? There are two humps over there. This is camel head. According to the ancient poem, it is different in height from far to near. This is the truth.

  OK, over a small hill, what we see next is jiangjunyan, the landmark scenic spot of Tiantangzhai, which is the scenery printed on your tickets. From this angle, you can see the opposite cliff, leaning against a human face profile. We can clearly see his forehead, eyes, nose, chin, chest and slightly erect General belly. Like an extraordinary general, he has firm eyes and looks up at the blue sky. How proud, how brave. As we all know, Jinzhai County is the cradle of the Red Army and the hometown of the general. There are 59 founding generals in the county, the number of which ranks second in the country. During the revolutionary years, our forefathers fought hard and built a new China. Their sacrifice and dedication should always be remembered. We should know that peace is hard won and we should cherish it.

  Here, todays journey to Tiantangzhai is over. Thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding. If there is anything that Xiao Wang cant do, I hope you can include it. Thank you again. Finally, I wish you all good luck, health and beauty in your future life. thank you.


  The most beautiful place to see rime wonder in Jilin should be in "rimeisland". Here, Hantun and zengtongtun in Wula street town are the mostconcentrated and best shooting places for rime. Because there is an island onthe river, people gradually call it rime island.

  Wusong island is about 40 kilometers away from Jilin City. Its terrain islower than that of Jilin City. It is surrounded by rivers. The cold and hot airintersects here. The heavy fog rising in winter often covers this island ofnearly 6 square kilometers, and sometimes the sun cant be seen for a day. Insuch weather, the rime hanging on the tree will not fall, and it will hang on alayer at night. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy rime. Therewas a saying that "to appreciate rime, to zengtong".

  To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watchinghanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon". "Morning watchhanging" is to get up early to see the tree hanging, to see those thousand yearold elm trees, overnight turned into a silver white, jade branches hanging,clusters of pine needles, just like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, crystal.And "enjoy the falling flowers in the near afternoon", generally around 10 am,the hanging trees begin to fall off one by one, and then they fall down inclusters. The silver flakes fall off in the air when the breeze blows, and thebright sunlight shines on them, forming colorful snow curtains in the air. Whenshooting rime, you must be decisive. If the weather is clear and the sun hasrisen completely at 9:00, you will see white rime hanging on various branches,setting off against the blue sky. At 10:00, the solar radiation will make therime begin to fall off from the trees, and the rime on the sunny side will startto blacken (in fact, the branches are exposed).


  On July 8, we visited yangshuo butterfly spring, it is not far from the moon mountain, because inside the cave stalactites have a very like a butterfly in the name.

  First tour guide to take us into a butterfly hole, inside a variety of stalactites, some like a butterfly, some like a warrior riding a horse, some like the lotus, some like a mountain stream, the most let everyones amazing butterfly lovers embrace together, dance, it is life!

  Then I nervously past the butterfly suspension bridge, through the waterfall cave, we reached the top of the butterfly spring, here we see the "sun wukong throughout, see the claw mountain, named yangshuo, but because of the mountain!

  Then we went down the mountain, went to the butterfly spring, tour guide said that the water has reiki, we hurriedly washed wash a face, wash again wash their hands and feet. Lets appreciate the beautiful sister performing solo - dish, its very nice, I still like?

  Finally and follow the guide, we visited the internal structure of the butterfly, butterfly pavilion. There are all kinds of butterfly butterfly stadiums, it took me a long time to get QiBaZhi pictures of butterflies. Because these butterflies are alive, moving shoot, theres a reason may be they see my photo, feel very strange, old around my camera, I can only be evasive.


  Starting from Chengguan, driving for about half an hour, you come to the Qinglong Waterfall Scenic Spot of Qingyun Mountain. Looking up, you can see that the mountains and forests are verdant and green, and the whole mountain is covered with green, as if you are in the green ocean. Listening attentively, the streams are murmuring, and you are running away happily. What a beautiful landscape painting!

  Through the gate of the scenic spot, the scenery is beautiful all the way. Green mountains, green water, ancient trees and strange stones are like fairyland. We enjoy playing, as if living in a paradise. By the side of Longtan, I have a close look at the origin of Longtan. It is said that long ago, the youngest daughter of the Dragon King of Donghai once bathed here. After countless years, the water gradually changed from green to sky blue, so it was named Longtan. Entering the Longtan, the water is panting, and the sound of "Hua Hua" is endless. The bottom of the pool is not visible. Maybe little dragon girl is still bathing at the bottom of the pool. In the carp pond, the guide said that there are countless carp in the pond, but now there are only a few small fish swimming in the pond. My cousin and I were enjoying ourselves by the pool and couldnt bear to leave for a long time. On the way, I was deeply attracted by a kind of plant whose shape was a bit like a coconut tree. After reading the introduction, I learned that it was called spinulosa spinulosa. It is one of the worlds most precious ancient plants, and it is also a national second-class protected plant. It has a good reputation as a living fossil in the plant world. Tourists should be well protected when they watch it.

  Follow the winding path to the famous Qinglong waterfall. As soon as I arrived near Qinglong waterfall, I heard the sound of "Hua Hua", like a musician playing music. We ran to the Qinglong waterfall. The noise became louder and louder. We saw a waterfall rushing down from dozens of meters high. It is divided into three layers, the highest one is the place where the water source is produced, and flows down the river; the water in the middle one gushes out like small pearls, hits the boulders and flows to the next one; the last one rushes to the round pool. The waterfall, which is connected in three folds, is like a curtain hanging in front of us. From a distance, it is like a white dragon breaking through the sky; from a close view, the fine drops of water are like rain and fog. We climb bamboo rafts, climb stone steps, stand beside the water curtain, looking at the water mist, left and right, seems to forget everything. Its hard to describe this situation. Raised, I cant help but think of Li Bais poem: flying straight down 3000 feet, suspected of the Milky way falling nine days. A gust of mountain wind blowing, water mist hit on the face, ice, tidal, refreshing.

  Walking along Qinglong waterfall, we came to Qifu cave and Red Army cave. These two holes are adjacent to each other and can be called sister holes. Praying is made of nature, and the cave is spacious. It is commonly known as "Zhuangyuan cave" and is the place where Xiao Guoliang, a native of Yongtai, studied hard. After Xiao Guoliang won the first place in high school, Qingyun Mountain was named after Qingyun Mountain. Think of the three number one winners in seven years in my hometown. The "number one county" is famous all over the world and has formed a unique landscape in the history of Chinese culture. Now we should have the ambition to study hard and serve our motherland. The Red Army cave is a semicircle with a platform made of gravel. It is a man-made stone cave. It was also one of the guerrilla activity places in central Fujian. Now it has become a place for tourists to rest. I cant help admiring the revolutionary ancestors who threw their heads and blood in order to liberate the cause.

  After years of exploration and development, Qingyun Mountain has begun to take shape and become an AAAA tourist destination and a national key scenic spot. Limited by time, we can only visit the Waterfall Scenic Area, and you can enjoy it when you have a chance.


  First of all, I give us a brief introduction to spend theater, it only built 13-year reign of Shunzhi, formerly Shanshan Hall, also called the temple. Old Time songs Taiwan locals call him, is the time of Shanxi and Shaanxi Bozhou medicine dealers operating in the contact medicine distribution center, the name was there today, because homes a magnificent color blocks sale of the US Gianna spent playhouse.

  Platinum spent the entire construction area of 3,163 square meters, but the essence of which is reflected in the charming "now" above. We would like to know which now? No hurry, let us watched while walking.

  Now everyone is seen in front of two iron flagpole this is a must spend theater. Each root weight 15 tons, more than 16 meters high, flagpoles at five points each cast nosy Vista Panorama, and other designs, each hoisting poles also have 24 Campanula Linglong iron, whenever there is a wind, the shrine will be issued with delightful sound.

  Lets look at the second must spend theater is you will be seeing this three-tier structure of the wood arch construction - Shanmen. Its mosaic above a world-renowned three-dimensional Shuimo brick, in less than 10 cm thick Shuimo brick engraved with the figures on the total of 115 birds, 33, hid 67, the House `e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333234323636Taiwan multiple `Dian` Court, where characters created 16 stories, soak the Chinese traditional culture Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism three the essence of the integration. is a Buddhist, is Road, is Confucianism. almost no-no, the loss of a truly demonstrate .

  Particularly worthy of our concern is the fifth must spend Theater - wood carvings, carved a total of 18 countries show text, figures hundreds and revealed different. We see Tug located above the intermediate stage is . It Cao Cao to share with us the love story will be depending on talent, So. Sima Qian T the next generation, as described in his hometown of Columbia still is very much respected.

  Flower Art Theater Set brick epitomize the study of Chinas ancient architecture carving art and drama are very important values, the so-called benevolent views are as follows:-chi.


  Zhangjiakou City, located in the northwest of Hebei Province, is located in113 ° 50 ′~ 116 ° 30 ′ e, 39 ° 30 ′~ 42 ° 10 ′ n. It is adjacent to Chengde Cityin the East, Beijing City in the southeast, Baoding City in the south, DatongCity, the second largest city in Shanxi Province in the West and southwest, andWulanchabu city in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the north and northwest.The city is 289.2 km long from north to South and 216.2 km wide from east towest, with a total area of 36800 square kilometers and a total population of 4.6million.

  By 20xx, Zhangjiakou had jurisdiction over 13 counties (Xuanhua, Zhangbei,Kangbao, Guyuan, Shangyi, Yuxian, Yangyuan, Huaian, Wanquan, Huailai, Zhuolu,Chicheng, Chongli), 4 districts (Qiaodong, Qiaoxi, Xuanhua, Xiahuayuan), 2management districts (Chabei, Saibei), high tech zones and industrial clusters.[1] Zhangjiakou is a famous northern city with a long history and splendidculture. It used to be the hometown of Oriental people, an important holy landfor the integration and unification of the Chinese nation, an important materialdistribution center in northern China, an important land commercial port fortrade with Europe, and an important industrial base in North China.

  At present, Zhangjiakou City is in a critical period of acceleratingdevelopment. Based on the actual situation of the city, the municipal Partycommittee and the municipal government put forward the theme of scientificdevelopment, the main line of transformation mode, the overall requirements ofscientific development and leapfrog overtaking, adhere to the generaldevelopment idea of "open innovation, national entrepreneurship, characteristicexcellence, enriching the people and strengthening the city", and grasp the ideaof "transforming disadvantages into advantages and developing advantages" Weshould strive to develop "4 + 3" modern industry and build "a central city inthe border area of Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia". Nowadays,Zhangjiakou, the "Pearl beyond the Great Wall", with its growing unique charmand rapid development momentum, reproduces the magnificent style of a strongeconomic and cultural city.

  Zhangjiakous highway construction is speeding up, and the transportationindustry is developing healthily. In 20xx, the citys highway mileage reached19234 km, an increase of 182 km over the end of last year. Among them, 628kilometers of expressways were opened to traffic, an increase of 115 kilometersover the previous year; the citys highway freight volume was 44.22 milliontons, an increase of 19% over the previous year; the freight turnover was 12.55billion ton kilometers, an increase of 19% over the previous year; the highwaypassenger traffic volume was 35.35 million people, an increase of 37.3% over theprevious year; the passenger traffic turnover was 2.34 billion personkilometers, an increase of 40.9% over the previous year.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Good evening everyone. I am very much honored that I have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Hunan Business College. My name is Wang Nan. who is an initiative boy from Guangdong province.

  My job is to smooth you way care for your welfare and assist you in whatever way I can during your stay in ChangSha. Now I would like to introduce to you Mr.yang our drive.

  His bus number is湘J123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try to do our very best to make your stay a pleasant one. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  As the old saying goes:“Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand” but in my opinion Hunan business college give us a sense that after studying here we can have wisdom in mind and money in hand at the same time!

  Ok just a joke. Today I‘d like to show you some excellent landscapes of my alma mater. First please aloud me to show you some information about Hunan Business College.

  Hunan Business College is a government-sponsored full time college one of the colleges and universities specially supported overall economic and social development in HuNan province. Located in ChangSha; the capital city of HuNan the college covers a total area of 800 mu and the floor space about 400 kilometers square meters.

  Convenient transportation and equipment add to the charm of the college.

  Despite our great accomplishment we are still a “developing school” especially in the area of tourism. Years ago for example there were virtually no tour groups in our school but today tourism has grown by leaps and bounds.

  We are building more facilities and training more personnel to serve the growing numbers of people who are eager to visit Hunan Business College. Our long tradition of hospitality is legendary.

  We hope that your visit to Hunan Business College will be one of your special memories. Thank you!

  Morning everybody after a good night sleep we are going to visit an amazing building which is filled with Knowledge.―the library building.

  Thank you!!


  Visitors: Hello everyone! Welcome to this famous Hangzhou West Lake. First introduce yourself, my name is Chen, everyone can call me Chen Guaidao, today, I will take you three sights, Liu Wang Wenyu, Changqiao Park and Huang Guanfish now, our bus is driving on Nanshan Road, first The station is Liu Wang Wenyu.

  Why is it called Liu Wai Wen? Wait until the attraction, lets feel it, you are, here will Liu Zang Wen Yan, the bilateral bilateral is full of willow, a wind blows, and those who will teach dancers dance, very beautiful. You listen, "sound is a happy music, which is like a willow girl, for willow accompaniment. If you want to relax, as long as you take a walk on the shore of this lake, you will be intoxicated. Now let us continue to goon, come to Longqiao Park. Although it is called a long bridge, it is actually not long. The small bridge in the park is quiet. If you want to stay away from the noise of the city, listen to the sound of birds, and smell the smell of osmanthus, very comfortable. Let us take a break now, you can pat photos, but you cant fall out! We have left the long bridge now, continue to advance, come to the famous flower port governing fish. It is now the golden autumn season, and it is also an open time.

  I entered the park. You can enjoy it, but dont step on the flowers. Huangguan fish does not only have flowers, fish is more beautiful, you can also buy some fish feed to feed these cute fish. Now everyone is free to act, at three oclock in the afternoon, at the gate, please pay attention to safety! I am very glad that everyone can return to the collection here. Our tour today is over, and the beautiful scenery of West Lake is not in the past. Welcome to play again. Finally, I wish you all a happy journey, goodbye!


  Ok, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? Well, I see, everyone of you is in pretty good shape today, right? I guess maybe you had sweet dreams last night. And now, let me tell you a good news, that is today we are going to visit a famous tourist attraction which you have been expecting for a long time. That is The Shao-lin Monastery.

  First let me give you some general ideas. The shaolin monastery was first completed in 495, during the reign of Northern Wei Dynasty. In 527, Bodhidharma, the disciple of Sakyamuni of the 28th generation came here to practice Zen creed. As it was concealed in the thick woods of the shaoshi hill, it was given the name Shaolin Monastery meaning “temple in the woods of Shaoshi Hill”. As you know, the shaolin monastery is widely known not only for its ancient and mysterious Buddhist culture, but also for its martial arts, that is Kungfu in Chinese, which enjoys a tradition of some 2000 years. So that’s the saying “Chinese Kungfu taking the first place under the heaven” and “the best kungfu originating from shaolin monastery.” In the year 2000, the temple sightseeing zone was designated to be one of the少林寺英语导游词-grade tourist attraction of China by the National Tourism Administration

  Please take your valuable things along with you and get ready to get off the bus.

  Well, here we are! Now we’re standing in front of the Front Gate Hall. Please look up at the plaque hanging above the lintel, and you’ll find the plaque bears three Chinese characters, Shaolin Si, the name of the tempel. This is said to be handwritten by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. This work is very precious because the emperor seldom wrote.

  Ok please follow me. Just now, we have visited the Front Gate Hall, steles, ginkgos, and the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, and now, we are just in the principal hall in the temple, the Hall of Mahavira. This hall is enshrined with three main Buddhas in the central part. They are Sakyamuni Buddha sitting in the middle and Pharmacist Buddha of the Eastern Glazed World and Amitabha Buddha from the Western Paradise sitting on both sides. Along the gable walls, sit 18 Buddhist Arhats, who were enlightened Buddhist monks. On both sides in front of the Hall of Mahavira, stand the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower symmetrically. They were rebuilt in 1994 used to report hours for the temple. Normally the bell is used in the morning, while the drum, in the afternoon, hence the saying “morning bell and afternoon drum”. In front of the Bell Tower is the stele called “the Stele of Li Shimin” telling the story about how the monks from the Shaolin Monastery rescued Prince Li Shimin from being pursued and attacked by Wang Shichong during the late Sui Dynasty. Li Shimin, who later became the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wrote the inscriptions on the stele personally,and left with a signature of Shi min on the stele.

  Ok please come with me, we are going to the next hall. So now, the pavilion in front of us, not like the Zangjing ge and the Abbot’s rooms we visited just now, enjoys a moving story. It’s named Dharma’s Pavilion or Lixue Pavilion, that is “Standing in the snow” in English. It says: After Boddhi Dharma came to China, many Chinese Buddhist believers wanted to be his followers, and Shengguang was the most prominent of all of them. He always followed him whenever and wherever he went and served Dharma whole-heartedly. But Dharma didn’t agree to accept Shengguang as a disciple. Shengguang didn’t loose heart and became even more steadfast. On a snowy night, he begged as usual with Budhidharma outside, standing in the knee-high snow. The master set forward a prerequisite: he would not meet his demand unless it would snow in red flakes. Shengguang drew out the sword and cut off his left arm and stained the snowy ground. Bodhidharma was so moved that he passed his mantle, alms bowl and musical instruments on to Shengguang and gave him a Buddhist name of Huike. He was regarded as the secend founder of the Zen sect. Emperor Qianlong wrote a phrase on a plaque in commemoration

  Alright everyone, now we are in the last hall, Pilu Hall, also called a Thousand Buddha Hall. It’s also the largest structure of the Shaolin Monastery. This is just the highlights of the sightseeing zone. So until now, the visit in the Shaolin Monastery is almost over. I think you may have some questions about the temple, or you want to take some photos. So, please do remember, you have half an hour. After half an hour we will gather at the Front Gate Hall, and make sure you’ll be there on time. And then we are going to the Pagoda Forest. Thank you for your attention!


  Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the dunhuang mogao grottoes with a long history。

  I am your tour guide。

  You just call me Lao zhou。

  Four grottoes are: longmen grottoes, yungang grottoes, the maijishan grottoes, and the mogao grottoes of dunhuang。

  One of the biggest, but is the dunhuang mogao grottoes。

  Next, just follow me to go to dunhuang mogao grottoes and have a look!

  First I want to introduce you to: mogao grottoes thousand-buddha grottoes。

  He is known as the most valuable culture found in the 20th century, "east the Louvre is located in the west of dunhuang in corridor", is famous for beautiful murals and statues。

  Existing caves, 735, 405 square meters of murals, clay sculpture。

  our 2415 statue, is existing in the worlds largest and most abundant content of buddhist shrine。

  All kinds of grottoes sizes。

  Thousand-buddha cliff carved with tens of thousands of small figure of Buddha, every small figure of Buddha, though more than an inch high, but the head and body are carving vivid, lifelike。

  Okay, on to the next attraction。

  You see, this thing is a nine layers cover, also called as "Peking University", 36 meters high, is the worlds third big Buddha!

  The mogao grottoes is a treasure chest。

  Well, a visit to the end。

  Welcome next time!


  Each passenger:

  Everybody is good! Today, you are my beautiful west lake tour guide: FangZifang (write your own name!) . Lets start with slowly as the ship started tomove, to visit the beautiful west lake!

  The west lake is located in: the west of hangzhou city, zhejiang province.The west lake of the water area of 4.37 square kilometers, 15 kilometerslakeshore circumference, level are 2.27 meters deep, the deepest in 5meters.

  First of all, we came to the orioles singing, the willows is nanshan sceniccity nearest a park, it is also one of the west lake old ten views. Willow is amain feature in the park. Look at both sides, gathered here the spring of 500strains of willows, the weeping willow, with ones lot, the willow tree, on bothsides of the various, very good-looking, south park inclined rod bendingbranches of that kind of, in the breeze, the yaw, like a drunken beauty, knownas the "drunken liu"

  Now, we came to the legend of the white niang son met xu xian the brokenbridge. Broken bridge, today is located in the bai causeway eastern end. Manysizes in the ancient west lake bridge, it is most famous. Everyone looked down,below is the sparkling lake, the lake is the sunlight, like many gold sprinkledon the lake, very beautiful! Attention, do not litter, can take pictures here,rest now.

  Well, today is here, finally I wish you all: have a good journey,goodbye!


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