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英语作文:My favourite food(通用42篇)

2024-09-05 23:21:58 心得体会
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英语作文:My favourite food(通用42篇)

  每个人都有自己最喜欢的食物,你最喜欢的食物是什么呢?下面是小编收集整理的英语作文:My favourite food,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

  英语作文:My favourite food 1

  There are many foods in the food realm.Potato is my favourite food.


  Most of us like potatoes,because they are delicious.Im no exception.Scientists tell us that they are good for our health,thats why I like patatoes.


  Potatoes are famous vegetables in the world. They are usually cooked with meat. Oh, that sounds good.


  Hurry!Hurry!Lets taste the potatoes.Eat more potatoes,and you will become stronger.


  英语作文:My favourite food 2

  Vegetables are healthy. I like them very much. Cucumbers are my favourite, because they’re tasty and green. Green is my favourite colour.


  Meat is yummy. I like it, too. I like beef best, because beef is tasty.


  Fruits are fresh. Apples are my favourite. Some apples are sour. Some apples are sweet. I like all of them.


  Some drinks are healthy and some drinks are not healthy. I like milk best. It’s healthy and fresh.


  What’s your favourite food ? Can you tell me ?


  英语作文:My favourite food 3

  There are many different kinds of food. My favorite food is fried rice.In China, most of the people in the south eat rice. And I like fried rice best.


  It’s really delicious. When I go home from school, I am always hungry. At that time I always make fried rice by myself. I often cook it carefully and it is so delicious. It makes me happy. After eating it, I am not hungry any more. Fried rice is my favorit.


  英语作文:My favourite food 4

  I love pasta, and my sister also likes it. Sweet and sour tomatoes with QQ soft noodles are really delicious! Every time I go to an Italian restaurant to eat, I will order pasta. I think the pasta is really delicious!


  I love to eat fruits. There are many kinds of fruits, especially nowadays many kinds of fruits such as strawberries, tomatoes...etc are abundant. My favorite fruits are strawberries, tomatoes... There are also many fruits that I like. Every time I eat fruits, I will eat them with relish.


  I love pizza, because there are a lot of seafood on it, thick cheese with sour tomatoes, and crunchy crust. Its really delicious! I usually dont eat pizza, but I always want to eat it.


  I like to eat steamed buns, this is the staple food of Shandong people, I happen to be Shandong people, so I love to eat. Every time I eat steamed buns, I put the vegetables in the steamed buns. I like this. I also put the steamed buns in the soup. This is also one of my ways of eating.


  英语作文:My favourite food 5

  Fish is my favorite food. I don’t know why I like to eat it.I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it.


  What’s more, I don’t care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons.Everytime my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual.


  So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Everytime she says that all of us laugh.


  英语作文:My favourite food 6

  My favourite food is cake.because it is very delicious.Although cake is very sweetit looks very beautiful.On my birthdaymy mother bought a cake for me.Lm very happy.There are some things on the cake.For example some fruit and some chocolate .


  l also like chocolate very much .Cake is my favourite.


  英语作文:My favourite food 7

  In this world, everyone need energy to survive. where does the energy comes from? Everyday we eat a certain quantity of food, it would provide energy to our daily life.


  The food I love most is the vegetables. Without taking certain vegetables every day, you may cause health problems. Maybe it is not very delicious, but its very important to us.


  英语作文:My favourite food 8

  I like to eat sweet and fragrant fruits. When I bite them, they are full of fragrance. When I drink juice, I will never forget the joy of eating fruit.


  I like sweets, such as ice cream, jelly, pudding, cheese, yogurt, etc. I like them very much, because every time I eat these snacks that make me drool, I can watch my favorite TV shows with my family, so I am very happy every time. Moreover, these desserts are so delicious, so delicious; every bite of mine is full of happiness.


  I love to eat delicious and spicy French fries. The taste and texture of the bite made me impressed. Before I want to eat French fries, I will smell its fragrance, then I will look at its shape, and then I will eat it! Its really delicious!


  英语作文:My favourite food 9


  Do you know? The food I like to eat is egg tarts, which are yellow, crispy, and sweet!


  After baking, the color was golden yellow, like a piece of gold, shining brightly, and the egg tart skin exploded layer by layer.


  My classmates immediately drool three thousand feet when they smell the aroma of egg tarts! Continuing to taste, I took a sip and the sweet taste lingered in my nose. I sniffed it carefully again, and then my classmate ate it big and big.


  The process of making egg tarts is to prepare round egg tarts. The egg tarts are like small boats, then pour milk white egg tarts liquid, like a bowl of soup, thick and smooth. Finally, carefully put the egg tarts into the air frying pan and bake for 10 minutes.


  Finally, the classmates couldnt help but say, "Egg tart is so delicious, I really want to eat it again!"

  英语作文:My favourite food 10


  My favorite food is French fries.


  It looks like caterpillars, and when cooked, it has a potato aroma. It is creamy yellow and has a rectangular shape, which is very delicious.


  Its taste is sweet and delicious. I picked up a French fry, dipped it in tomato sauce, and then ate it in big gulps. However, my mother always advised me not to wolf it down, probably because she forced me.


  It starts by taking out a potato, peeling it, then cutting it into strips and frying it in a pot until it turns slightly yellow. I am already familiar with how it is made, and I should have tried it hundreds of times.


  I am impressed by it, who came up with the idea? In short, I wont forget the word "french fries", nor will I forget its taste. I like french fries.

  英语作文:My favourite food 11


  My taste buds are unpredictable. Sometimes I like to eat meat like a cheetah, and sometimes I like to eat vegetables like a lamb, but my favorite food is peanuts.


  These little ones are wrapped in brownish red clothes outside, hiding their white and chubby bodies inside. Although they are not big, they are very nutritious. These are really good things at a low price!


  Although these little dots may not look eye-catching, when you approach them, a fragrance will rush in, making you crave and your appetite will be wide open.


  Especially when you are hungry, seeing this colorful, fragrant peanuts will make you even more unable to put it down and enjoy your appetite.


  Speaking of which, my mouth is watering. How could I not taste such delicious food well?

  英语作文:My favourite food 12


  There are thousands of types of food in the world, and everyone has their own favorite. I also have my favorite food. Guess what it is. Is it cotton candy? No, you think its healthy because its white! I dont know how much dust is stuck on it. drumsticks? incorrect! You want me to get avian influenza!


  I dont like these. I like ice cream.


  There are many types of ice cream. There are many colors. It has a more diverse taste. Hold it in your hand and smell it! True fragrance: red bean flavor, apple flavor, strawberry flavor, taro flavor, milk flavor. Take a bite, its really refreshing! It turns into water without being chewed in the mouth.


  However, because the ice cream was too cold, my mother deprived me of the right to eat it. But, Mom, this is for my good.


  I love ice cream! Love my precious mother so much!

  英语作文:My favourite food 13


  Coriander is one of my favorite foods. It is a plant of the Umbelliferae family and is closely related to celery.


  From a distance, coriander grows densely like wild grass. Up close, coriander branches out from a single stem and grows many small and thin leaves from the branches. A branch usually has three leaves, one at the top and two symmetrically growing at the bottom. The edges of the leaves are wavy, with a little hair on top that feels rough to the touch, and the underside of the leaves is very smooth.


  Its difficult to smell coriander directly, but pinching the leaves and smelling it again will give me a strong aroma, which is why I like coriander. Coriander can be directly picked off and dipped in seasoning, cooked in soup, or eaten raw. The coriander is crispy when chewed, and there is a fragrance wafting in the mouth.


  I like coriander because it is very cute, smells very fragrant, and tastes very crispy.

  英语作文:My favourite food 14


  My favorite food is none other than noodles.


  In the evening, my mother made me a bowl of delicious noodles. As soon as I saw it was noodles, my appetite skyrocketed and I began to wolf it down. "This is truly a delicacy in the world!" I closed my eyes and sighed as I enjoyed it. In no time, I finished a big bowl of noodles. Mom said this is made from boiled bone soup, which is very nutritious. She asked me if I still want it? I didnt even think about it before answering, "Also, still, so delicious!" My mother cooked another bowl for me, and I ate it with relish. In no time, it was eaten up again. I touched my plump belly and let out a loud burp, saying, "Its really delicious. Ill have it again next time. How about having this again tomorrow?" This amazing dinner ended with satisfaction.


  Mom always teases me, saying that I picked it up from the north. Otherwise, why do I love eating noodles so much?

  英语作文:My favourite food 15


  The world is vast, and there is no food without food. The food in the world is very gorgeous, but I have a special fondness for it. That is watermelon. Among the watermelons, the most delicious is "landmine melon". Looking from a distance in the watermelon field, landmine melon is the most vibrant, with deep black and green delicate patterns. Let people drool when they see it.


  I seem to have forgotten when it was my first time eating watermelon. The first time I ate watermelon, my mouth was full. After finishing it, I swallowed all the watermelon in my throat. The watermelon seemed like tangled insects swirling in my throat, and for some reason, I felt uncomfortable when I swallowed it again. I was so angry that I threw the watermelon away and looked at the poor watermelon on the ground. The saliva on my mouth fell down again, and I couldnt help but pick it up and start nibbling on it.


  Since that incident, I have fallen in love with watermelon and treated it as a rare treasure. I love watermelon.

  英语作文:My favourite food 16


  When it comes to food, there are many things I like. But my favorite food is still it - eggs.


  The whole body of the egg is orange yellow, elliptical in shape. Peeling off the thin shell, you will see the snow-white protein, and inside, it is a golden yolk.


  "Two eggs in the morning have become a habit." This is a rhyme made up by my mother. I eat two eggs every morning, so my mother made up this rhyme.


  Why do I love eating eggs so much? Because eggs are very delicious, their taste can be said to be delicious! Take a bite on the soft protein, its amazing!


  This is my favorite food - eggs. Children, do you like to eat?

  英语作文:My favourite food 17


  I like eating Zongzi, because eating Zongzi has many advantages: the reed leaf and lotus leaf of Zongzi are good medicine for clearing away heat, and even glutinous rice has the effect of benefiting qi, promoting fluid and clearing heat in Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that after the Dragon Boat Festival, the hottest month in summer begins. Due to the unbearable bitter summer, people generally have the phenomenon of catching fire and heatstroke, and they often eat Zongzi, which is really a good "medicine" with the same origin of medicine and food. Moreover, jujube has a sweet and warm taste, with the effects of tonifying the middle and nourishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the mind. Chestnuts have the effects of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen, and benefiting the kidneys, which are beneficial to the human body.


  However, Zongzi with glutinous rice as the main ingredient is not suitable for digestion, and overeating will cause abdominal distension, diarrhea and other symptoms due to spleen and stomach injury. Therefore, the elderly, children and people with poor digestive function should not be greedy, because the principle of "eating less and eating more" should be followed.

  英语作文:My favourite food 18


  I like to eat sweet and fragrant fruits. When I bite them, they are full of fragrance. When I drink fruit juice, I will never forget the joy of eating fruit.


  I like sweets, such as ice cream, jelly, pudding, cheese, yogurt, etc. I really like to eat them because every time I eat these drooling snacks, I can watch my favorite TV programs with my family, so I am always happy. Moreover, these desserts are so delicious, so delicious; Every bite of mine is filled with happiness.


  I love eating delicious and spicy French fries, and the taste and texture of the bite leave a deep impression on me. Before I want to eat French fries, I will first smell its aroma, then look at its shape, and then I will eat it! Its really delicious!

  英语作文:My favourite food 19


  I love to eat fragrant and sweet fruits. When I bite them, the aroma is overflowing, and when I drink the juice, the feeling of happiness and contentment makes me never forget the taste of fruit happiness.


  I like to eat sweet desserts, such as ice cream, jelly, pudding, cheese, yogurt, etc., because every time I eat these Dim sum that make me drool, I can watch my favorite TV programs with my family at the same time, so I am very happy every time. Moreover, these desserts are so delicious, so full of color, smell and taste; Every bite of mine is filled with a satisfying taste.


  I love to eat fragrant and hot French fries, and the taste and texture of biting them leave a deep impression on me. Before I want to eat French fries, I always smell its strong aroma first, then I take a look at its shape, and then Im ready to eat! Its really delicious and delicious!

  英语作文:My favourite food 20


  My favorite food is pasta. It comes in various shapes, including the most common long bar, screw, butterfly, as well as childrens favorite letter and number shapes. In addition to wheat color, it also has orange and green colors, which are processed with the addition of carrot juice and vegetable juice. Touch with your hand, dry and hard; Smell it with your nose, there is a noticeable wheat aroma.


  The recipe for pasta is very easy. First, bring a pot of water to a boil, add a spoonful of salt and some oil, and then add the pasta. Set the stove to medium low heat, cover the lid of the pot, and cook for 20 minutes. There is no need to worry about the noodles boiling and the water overflowing. Once the dough is cooked, take it out and put it on a plate. Sprinkle some olive oil on top, then mix in your favorite tomato and perilla sauce, add some cheese powder, and its ready to eat.


  Noodles are served on QQ, sour and sweet, very delicious.

  英语作文:My favourite food 21


  Grandma often says, "Food is the top priority of the people, people are iron, and rice is steel. If you dont eat a meal, you will get hungry." In fact, everyone has their own favorite food. What is my favorite food? There is a kind of bean that is really strange. It grows and grows in the soil. If you want to eat it, dig it out. Did you guess? Haha, its my favorite food - potatoes.


  Potato, also known as potato or potato, is a flat circular shape with a yellowish outer skin that looks like a pebble. Many people love it. Potatoes can be used to make various delicacies, including stewed potatoes, shredded potatoes, French fries, mashed potatoes... Among them, my favorite is French fries. I can finish a large plate of French fries alone, so I must be both a foodie and a loyal fan of potatoes!


  Although potatoes are rich in nutrients and have a delicious taste, it is important to note that sprouted or green potatoes should not be eaten!

  英语作文:My favourite food 22


  There are many foods that I like to eat, such as bread, fruit cake, and hamburgers, but my favorite is fruit cake.


  Fruit cake is made with fruits, bread, and cream. It is round in shape, yellow in color, with many fruits on it. It looks beautiful and tastes delicious. It also has a sweet orange flavor. Its time to eat fruits. As soon as I eat them, the fragrance enters my mouth, and the sweet and fragrant taste becomes even stronger.


  The mischievous fruit baby plays games in the fruit cake, and the pastry chef shapes the fruit into various shapes: some are circular, some are square, and some are triangular.


  I like to eat fruit cakes.

  英语作文:My favourite food 23


  I like to eat tofu pudding. The ice cold tofu pudding is topped with sweet sugar water. Add some soft pearls, peanuts, and QQ taro balls to eat together with tofu pudding. The ice cold taste comes to my mind and is unforgettable.


  I like to eat puffs. The outer skin is crispy and the filling is soft and tender. All kinds of flavors are charming, including sour strawberries, sweet vanilla, thick milk, and all kinds of sour and sweet flavors. Put them in your mouth, and the sweet taste spreads in your mouth. The crispy taste sounds like a pleasant song.


  I like to eat peaches, which have a soft Q taste, sweet juice, and a charming light aroma. When put into my mouth, the aroma spreads and once eaten, it will fly into the sky.


  Tofu pudding, puffs and peaches are my favorites. They all have different characteristics, distinctive styles and special tastes, which I cant forget.

  英语作文:My favourite food 24


  My favorite dish is roast duck. The whole roast duck looks red and must be very delicious. It is then sliced thinly, with sauce, scallions, peeled cucumbers, and vegetables. Roll up the vegetables and put the delicious scallions inside. Then roll up the appetizing cucumber and a piece of delicious roast duck. I take a bite and its really delicious.


  Children, would you like to have a try? Its very delicious. If you dont believe it, go try it out.


  I also like the first step of making dumplings, mixing the filling, the second step, mixing the noodles, and the third step, making dumplings. Taking a bite of the dumplings is truly a memorable experience.


  Children, why dont you go and have some? Its really delicious.

  英语作文:My favourite food 25


  My favorite food is potatoes. I never tire of eating potatoes, even if I eat them for three meals a day. I dont get tired of them either. Now, lets introduce potatoes to everyone!


  Potatoes are annual herbaceous plants in the Solanaceae family, with pinnate compound leaves, small leaves with stalks, oval shaped, white or blue purple flowers, and plump underground tubers for consumption. Also known as potatoes, yams, yams, potatoes, etc., they are important crops for both food and vegetables, and many countries use them as their staple food!


  Potatoes are affordable and have a delicious taste, so they are loved by the public and have become regulars in peoples homes. I remember one time, I really wanted to eat potatoes, so I went to the market and bought three big potatoes. After frying them, I filled a big bowl full of them. In the blink of an eye, I ate all of them and didnt even have any soup left, which shocked my mother beside me!

  英语作文:My favourite food 26


  My favorite food is roast duck, which is golden all over and has a lot of meat. It tastes very crispy and delicious. Its ingredients include pieces of cucumber that have not been peeled yet, and a plate of sweet noodle sauce.


  Its production method is to cut off the head and feet of the duck, then put it in the oven to bake, and then cut it into pieces, add cucumber and sweet sauce, and it will be very delicious when eaten again.


  I also like to eat Xiaolongbao, whose skin is thin and even transparent. It is made by kneading the dough into a ball, flattening the ball, adding stuffing to it, and wrapping it into a round one. Xiaolongbao is ready. Its delicious to open your mouth and take a bite. This is the taste of Xiaolongbao. I like it very much.


  Do you like it?

  英语作文:My favourite food 27


  My favorite food is Braised pork belly cooked by Grandma.


  I was greedy, so I asked my grandmother to make Braised pork belly for me. My grandmother said, "Your child is greedy. OK, I will make you a bowl tonight." After my grandmother said, I would "drool for three thousand feet."


  Grandma first bought a piece of pork belly, and then cut it into thin and loose pieces. Put the pork belly into the pot again, add some soy sauce, flip it up and down, wait for the meat to turn golden yellow, and stir fry for a while. After a while, Braised pork belly was ready. Grandma put Braised pork belly in a big bowl. The delicious Braised pork belly made me want to eat it.


  The color of Braised pork belly is brown, and the taste is sweet and sour. I ate a large piece of it in one mouthful, which is delicious.


  When it was time for dinner, our whole family grabbed the bowl of food, especially my father and I grabbed the Braised pork belly. When there was only one piece left, my father and I wanted to eat. Grandma said, "Dad, dont eat it, give it to the children." Suddenly, I jumped up happily.


  I took a bite. Its so delicious. The delicious Braised pork belly is really memorable.


  My favorite food is Braised pork belly cooked by Grandma.

  英语作文:My favourite food 28


  If you ask me what I like to eat, I will not hesitate to say, "I like to eat grilled wings."


  Whenever Im at a skewer shop, the first dish I mention is "Orleans Grilled Wings", because when the waiter brings the grilled wings to the table, even from a distance, you can smell the fragrance it emits. When you look up, wow! Red as fiery clouds in the sky, it made me drool as I watched it. I wished I could immediately open my big mouth and swallow the grilled wings in one bite. When I picked up my chopsticks, I didnt care about any "ladylike image" anymore. I picked up the grilled wings and threw them into my mouth, only to burn my lips. This time, I remembered this lesson and carefully added roasted wings to my mouth. At that time, my heart suddenly warmed up, and roasted wings had a intoxicating taste called "fragrance". If the fiery red chicken wings crawl on the tip of the tongue and gurgle, the magical taste will ripple throughout the entire mouth, transforming into a gentle fluid. I took one bite and then took two or three bites of the entire chicken wing. At this point, the other chicken wings also cooled down. Then, I wolfed down all the chicken wings.


  When I got home, I ate so much that I didnt have the strength to leave. Do you think I ate too much?

  英语作文:My favourite food 29


  Speaking of my favorite food, of course its Beijing roast duck! Every time I go out to eat, I never tire of ordering this dish.


  This Sunday, my mother and I went to a restaurant near our community for dinner, and as soon as we sat down, I had the dish of Beijing roast duck. After a while, the waiter brought up the roasted duck. The skin of the duck was slightly burnt yellow, with a shiny oil shine on it. With a knife, gently cut it open, and you can see the yellow duck meat, which is tempting.


  I eagerly spread out the pancake in my hand, then dipped the duck meat in sauce and placed it in the middle of the pancake. Then, I put shredded yellow melon and Beijing onion on top, mixed with a little sweet sauce, and finally wrapped the pancake into a cylindrical shape. I took a bite and it was truly amazing!


  I not only enjoy eating roast duck, but I also have a good understanding of the methods of eating roast duck. Roast duck has many ways to eat, and one ducks skin and meat can be used to make many dishes. Cutting the skin into thin slices is called "one bite crispy"; A small piece of meat with a belt is called "crispy slices"; A large piece of meat with a belt, accompanied by a plate of thin pancakes, and some shredded scallions and cucumbers. A small plate of sauce is called "duck meat pancake"; As for duck bones, they can also be made into delicious soup


  Roast duck is really delicious. Do you want to go and enjoy it together?

  英语作文:My favourite food 30


  In summer, its too hot, and Im playing outside. I run home and ask my mom for a bowl of sago. My mother immediately said, "Okay." And then she started making me some sagittarius. In no time, my mother exposed the watermelon. Immersed in milk are colorful taro balls, crystal clear sago, sprinkled with golden mangoes, red dragon fruit, and green mint leaves, so beautiful!


  When my mother made sago, it emitted a sweet taste. By the time my mother took it out, my mouth was already full of water. I couldnt wait to take a sip, it was so cool.


  Its taste is sweet, taro balls are glutinous, mango is fragrant and sweet, ice cold, its really delicious.


  The process of making sago is also very simple: first, cook the sago, then take out the taro balls from the refrigerator, then take out the milk, coconut juice, and large bowl, and finally put the sago, taro balls, milk, and coconut juice into the large bowl, and you can eat it.


  My favorite thing to eat in summer is the sago made by my mother, which is not only delicious but also helps relieve the heat. Ah, have a bowl, its really great!

  英语作文:My favourite food 31


  As the saying goes, "Food is the god of the people." I like Braised pork belly cooked by my father best. My dad would bring me a plate of appetizers every once in a while, and the taste was so unforgettable! The cooked Braised pork belly is reddish brown, lying in thick, brown soup, and its beautiful posture is irresistible; That delicious broth and large meat make ones mouth water three thousand feet. Needless to say, the taste can tempt thousands of people. I really want to swallow it at one gulp, but I cant do that. I must remain elegant and savor it carefully, or I will be beaten. But I sometimes forget that I am a little lady because of the delicious Braised pork belly, so I put the meat in my mouth.


  The process of making Braised pork belly is already familiar to me. First, buy pork belly, slice it, prepare the ingredients, and then start cooking. As soon as I heard the "Yila" sound, I saw my father turning the pot up and down. Soon, the delicious golden Braised pork belly was delicious. As soon as my dad took it out, I had an argument with my cousin because he ate an extra piece of meat than me. Dad said, "Theres a lot more, dont worry, theres still a lot more." We stopped arguing and sat down quietly to taste this delicious meal.


  Dads Braised pork belly is absolutely delicious!

  英语作文:My favourite food 32


  My favorite food is noodles, just like my good friend. Every time my mother asks me what I want for dinner, I always say loudly, "I want to eat noodles!" Noodles are my favorite food.


  I like to eat noodles because once when I was very hungry, my mother cooked a pot of hot and steaming noodles for me to eat. I remember the noodles I ate back then were the best in the world! At that time, I was completely immersed in the world of noodles, forgetting my worries, and just wanted to slowly eat noodles one by one, enjoying the taste of noodles.


  In my eyes, noodles are not just long, thin, and golden noodles. They are like golden noodles, and when eaten on QQ, they break easily with just a bite. Whenever I eat noodles, I feel both happy and excited because I love eating noodles the most, so now as long as my mother says to me that I can eat noodles today! My mood will be particularly good. When I finish the first bowl, I always want to eat another bowl. After finishing the second bowl, I also want to eat the third bowl, so I think noodles are the best food I have ever eaten.


  Noodle is my best friend in the world. It often changes its flavors to please me. I really love it. I hope my mother can cook noodles for me frequently in the future, so that I can never be separated from my good friend.

  英语作文:My favourite food 33


  "Theres a kind of bean, its really strange. It grows in the soil, and if you want to eat it, dig it out." Did you guess? Haha, its my favorite food - potatoes.


  Potatoes, also known as "potatoes", "potatoes", or "yam eggs". Flowers are white, red, or purple in color, and their shapes and sizes vary. Some are oval shaped, some look like small balls, while others say they are round or long, protruding here and sinking there. Potatoes have an unattractive shape, not to mention bright colors, and they look like a "country bumpkin" with dirt on them. Although the shape and color of potatoes are not likable, they are of good quality and affordable, and they taste fragrant and sweet.


  Potatoes have a beautiful taste and there are many ways to eat them, including steaming, grilling, frying, frying, and so on. Among them, my favorite is French fries. My mother often cooks for me. First, wash the potatoes and peel them, cut them into even long strips, wash them in clean water, soak them in salt water for ten minutes, then blanch them in salt water for two minutes, remove them and let them dry. Heat up 80% of the oil and fry until golden brown and hard. The golden French fries immediately have a strong aroma and tempting color. Dip them in the sour and sweet tomato sauce, and take a bite. They are crispy, soft, and delicious!


  Do you like this kind of food that is suitable for all ages?

  英语作文:My favourite food 34


  I like to eat fruits, such as golden bananas, red apples, purple grapes... I cant put them down, but among these fruits, I have a special fondness for watermelon.


  Every summer, we often lay large watermelons with green stripes and black stripes on the ground at home. Its body is smooth and shiny, as if coated with a layer of oil. Wearing a emerald green coat, its really likable. Watermelons are all the size of basketball. If you want to know if the watermelon is ripe, lightly flick it with your fingers and make a "bang bang" sound to know that the watermelon is ripe. Cutting it open with a knife, you can see the bright red flesh of the watermelon. Before you can even taste it, you can smell a faint fragrance. You take a bite, and your lips and tongue are also stained with bright red juice, sweet and delicious. The more you eat it, the more you love it. Frozen watermelon is even sweeter and even more delicious than the one you just bought. Its really a cool and refreshing fruit for summer heat relief. Watermelon not only tastes good with its flesh, but also with its skin. After removing the green skin and leaving the white part, cut it into pieces with seasoning and stir fry to make a delicious side dish.


  Watermelon not only has a lot of water and sweetness in its flesh, but also can relieve heat and thirst. The skin can also be used for cooking, which has so many advantages, so my favorite food is watermelon.

  英语作文:My favourite food 35


  My favorite food is fried noodles cooked by my mother.


  It has a golden surface, and inside it there are fragrant dried tofu and some green bean sprouts. Its taste is very tempting. Every time my mother cooks the fried noodles and puts them on the table, my brother and I eat them all.


  The process of making it is also very simple. First, buy noodles, then buy some dried tofu and bean sprouts. Cut the dried tofu into thin slices, put it into a pot, add some soy sauce, stir fry up and down, then take up the lid of the pot, cover it, and it will be ready to be cooked in about two to three minutes.


  Actually, every time I eat fried noodles, my brother always comes to grab the noodles from my bowl. Im very angry, so I told my mother that she beat him up as soon as she heard about it. When my older brother cried, I comforted him. He would always say, "Unless you give me your fried noodles, it wont be better." When I heard him say this, I would obediently offer my fried noodles. When my brother saw that the plan was successful, he laughed again. It turned out that my brother pretended to cry. Oh, my brother is so childish. Its quite funny when I think about it.


  Moms fried noodles are the favorite food for my brother and me.

  英语作文:My favourite food 36


  When my classmates ask me what my favorite food is, I always say, "Hot pot.".


  Hot pot has a warm taste, and there are many ingredients inside, including gray meatballs, black and shiny rice blood, fresh fish and Korean cabbage, as well as oysters, clams.


  Every time my mother cooks hot pot soup, my sister, sister, and younger brother and I cant wait to ask, "Is it done yet?" After my mother cooks the hot pot soup, we rush to the living room like Sonic Boys and enjoy it as quickly as possible.


  The hot pot cooked by my mother is the most delicious in the world. Even my younger brother, who usually doesnt eat and only drinks milk, suddenly became the "king of stomachs". We ate all the soup and ingredients in three seconds, and the pot turned upside down! Ha! Ha.


  Mom saw that we were all eating happily, and she was so happy that she couldnt close her mouth. Eating chewy hot pot ingredients and drinking warm soup, the taste is truly unbearable! We always have to eat until our stomachs are as big as balls before we are willing to stop.


  The hot pot soup is my favorite food to eat, and the warm hot pot makes winter warm too!

  英语作文:My favourite food 37


  My favorite food is egg tarts, just a gentle smell makes me feel its delicious.


  As soon as it comes out of the pot, a strong aroma wafts out. Smell the fragrance, feel it round, like a little sun! Upon closer inspection, the freshly cooked egg tarts are golden and resemble a round moon hanging in the sky.


  I smelled it first, licked it again, and took a bite. It was crispy and delicious! Some students are reluctant to eat, some chew slowly, and some wolf down.


  Today, let me teach you how to make egg tarts.! Firstly, prepare the egg tart skin. It is like a bowl, goose yellow in color, and feels icy and cool. Then, pour the egg tart liquid and pour the milky white into the egg tart skin. Then, put it into the air fryer and wait quietly for ten minutes. I think when baking, the egg tart liquid must be constantly boiling, as if they were shouting, "Let me out, let me out!" Times up! A milky aroma wafted out, even the air became sweet!


  Can you do it? Quickly share with your family!

  英语作文:My favourite food 38


  The delicious chicken soup, delicious Braised pork belly, spicy wild vegetables... these are not comparable to a pot of hot and sour potato shreds in front of me.


  Sour and spicy potato shreds are golden all over, each about 5 centimeters long and 3 millimeters wide. The taste is sour with a hint of spiciness, and the spiciness is sour with a hint of sourness. It makes ones mouth water flow three thousand feet at a smell, and they want to eat it up immediately.


  Mom always goes to the market to buy two potatoes and some chili peppers before making sour and spicy potato shreds. First, peel off the potato skin, clean it with water, then cut it into slices. Then, stack the slices and cut them into thin shreds. The potato shreds are ready. Cut red chili peppers into small pieces and set aside. When stir frying, pour some oil into the pot first, then pour down the sliced potatoes. When the potatoes are half cooked, throw away the prepared red chili chunks, and then add vinegar and other seasonings. When the shredded potatoes turn beautiful golden yellow, a bowl of fragrant sour and spicy shredded potatoes will be served!


  Whenever there are sour and spicy potato shreds on the table, I eagerly place them in front of me, feeding them into my mouth one by one, wishing I could even swallow the plate. That plate of potato shreds is mostly destroyed by me!


  This is my favorite food - spicy and sour potato shreds, and nothing can replace its place in my heart.

  英语作文:My favourite food 39


  I like to eat cola chicken wings, chicken chunks, and roast duck.


  Coca Cola chicken wings are my favorite food to eat. When making cola chicken wings, you can smell the fragrance in the living room. As I brought it up and looked at its shiny appearance, my saliva flowed out. Taking a bite made me feel like I had gone to heaven. The oil flowed into my mouth, and everyone said, "Fragrant!"!, Every time my mother makes a plate, I can finish it all by myself. Sometimes I even pour those juices over rice to eat, its really delicious.


  Chicken nuggets are also one of my favorite foods. That chicken tastes tender and tender, with white shredded meat and sauce, it looks great. The stir fried sauce is also very delicious when poured with rice. Sometimes when you look far away, it still emits light.


  Not to mention roast duck, when I eat it, I feel like its the best food in the world. When cutting roast duck, the oil flows out like a fountain. Take the cake and dip it in the oily sauce. At this point, I will feel that roasted duck is even more delicious than chicken nuggets, and I want to stuff the rest into my mouth with just one bite. Sometimes I would stuff a whole piece of wrapped roast duck into my mouth and slowly enjoy that happiness.


  Do you all like these delicacies?

  英语作文:My favourite food 40


  As for the food I like, its not very much. I like to eat potato stew, rice, millet Congee


  Our family usually has rice for lunch. We used to eat rice at my grandmothers house, but now we eat rice made by my grandmother. Compared to the two families, I think my grandmothers cooking is more delicious. You may think: just use an electric rice cooker to make rice, how can there be any difference? Answer: Grandma makes rice with less water, so the rice is harder; Grandma added too much water to the rice and it quickly turned into rice soup. This is the reason why I only like the rice cooked by my grandmother.


  Once, my grandma made me a "potato stew". Wow, that dish is really delicious! Potatoes are good for noodles, and the meat is neither salty nor light. Paired with scallions and garlic, the taste is excellent.


  One noon, while waiting for my meal, I suddenly smelled a fragrance. My mother once exclaimed, "Im really at a loss if I dont go and be a dog!"! The meaning is: My nose is very agile. After smelling the aroma, I served a plate of steaming potato stew! Wow! Paired with rice, its a perfect match! Therefore, I ate a lot at noon that day.


  Do you like these foods?

  英语作文:My favourite food 41


  Among various foods, I particularly enjoy eating strawberries. In the season when strawberries are on the market, whenever I walk to the strawberry stand and see those red strawberries and smell that sweet aroma, I feel like a greedy little cat, unable to help but drool.


  Strawberries have a very cute appearance, wearing a green straw hat under their bright red clothes and covered in white sesame seeds, shaped like a heart. It is covered in thin and soft small thorns all over, and feels fuzzy to the touch. Strawberries are also very delicious. Take a ripe strawberry and smell it, and the refreshing aroma immediately wafts away. With a gentle bite in my mouth, the sour and sweet juice overflowed all over my mouth, cool and sweet.


  Strawberries are not only delicious, but also have high nutritional value. They are rich in vitamin C, carotene, glucose, iron, etc., so they are also known as "beauty fruits". They can also be used as medicine and have preventive effects on many diseases.


  Strawberries are still a raw material for many foods. Strawberry jam, strawberry cake, strawberry juice, strawberry yogurt, and so on are all our favorite foods. Strawberries not only taste delicious, soft and juicy, but also have high nutritional value, no wonder they are known as the "Queen of Fruits".

  英语作文:My favourite food 42


  My favorite food is none other than olives.


  Look, the fresh olives have sharp ends, thick in the middle, and green all over. The brown fruit pit resembles a miniature football. I really enjoy chewing olives. They taste sour and astringent at first, with a slight bitterness. However, after chewing it multiple times, the sweetness gradually revealed, until I remembered the idiom that accompanied my personal experience: "After all, sweet comes.".


  That was my first time eating olives. As I was just in school, looking at the green coat of olives, I couldnt help but think of the big and round sweet watermelon. I assume that olives are as sweet as watermelons. So I greedily stuffed a few olives into my mouth. Unexpectedly, as soon as I chewed, I tasted the unbearable sour taste, and a smile disappeared from my face. My eyebrows instantly gathered together. I was just about to spit out an olive when suddenly I remembered the idiom my father once said, "Sweetness comes from hard work.". right! The difficult days have come to an end, and the beautiful days have arrived. I continued to chew the olives hard, and gradually, I tasted a sweet taste in my mouth. The sweetness is really refreshing!


  From then on, I have an inexplicable bond with olives. Whenever I chew an olive, what I taste is the aftertaste of the olive: dont just look at the current hardship, but look up into the distance. The distance is bright sunshine, like sweetness after suffering, and after the wind and rain, there is a rainbow.

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