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2024-09-04 20:42:00 实用文档



  英文演讲稿 1


  A few hours away, its Singles Day again, the legendary Singles Day tonight, while the mobile phone can still open the web page, browse the space, completely by the two major themes of the screen is a Double 11 shopping spree, but also brought out a new word - chop hands.

  The other is pretending to be mature, clamoring to end singleness one by one, but suffering from no one to watch the two themes take turns to brush the screen, I can only silently close the space. Because I know that I dont have enough money, I dont have to worry about chopping my hands, I am still a student, it is not suitable to end the single life, or obediently read the book and talk about it.

  What I can do is lie down, close my eyes, and slowly recall what I learned today, perhaps, only in this way can I be worthy of the youth consumed today and make me smile to welcome Double 11.

  There will be Double 11 every year, but I can only come once for the college entrance examination, and I absolutely cant do it again, this is my Double 11, which is different from most peoples Double 11 combat mode.

  英文演讲稿 2

  How to develop low-carbon economy, There have been many environmentalprotection problems in recent years . One of the most serious problem isgreenhouse gas emissions have caused climate change, At the same time ,lots oftrees have been used and wasted.So our earth is becoming warmer and warmer. .That brings us illnesses and death.

  Luckily, many countries have done a lot to stop environmental pollution.Its the most important in the environmental protection today.

  In my opinion, on the one hand ,through education we should make peoplerealize that destroying the environment means destroying ourselves, On the otherhand , we should try to do something to produce fewer greenhouse gasemissions.

  In a word. we must develop low-carbon economy.

  英文演讲稿 3

  DENVER — Parents and survivors of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School are saying good things about an essay released Tuesday by the mother of shooter Dylan Klebold.

  Susan Klebold made the most detailed public remarks by any parent of the two Columbine killers in an essay published in O, The Oprah Magazine. She said in the essay she had “no inkling” her son was suicidal or depressed.

  The essay sparked strong emotions for Connie Michalik, whose son, Richard Castaldo, was shot and partially paralyzed in the rampage. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 23 others before killing themselves.

  The shooters’ parents have said little in public since the massacre. They gave depositions in a lawsuit filed by victims’ families, but a judge in 20xx ordered those depositions sealed for 20 years after the case was settled out of court.

  Survivors and their families have been left wondering about the boys’ parents in the decade since the shootings.

  “You know, I always wondered how she felt and what she went through. ‘Cause I know I went through a living hell, and I was always sure she did, too,” Michalik told The Associated Press.

  Michalik, who has never met Susan Klebold, said reading the essay answered some of her questions about the Klebold family.

  “I applaud her for the courage to talk about this,” Michalik said Tuesday.

  In the essay, Susan Klebold described the day of the shooting. She at first feared Dylan had been shot at school, not that he was one of the perpetrators.

  Susan Klebold said the family was evacuated from their home the afternoon of the massacre because authorities feared even Dylan’s residence may have been rigged to explode. Still, she said, it took months for relatives to accept that the quiet boy who loved origami and Legos was to blame for the violence.

  “We didn’t know that he and Eric had assembled an arsenal of explosives and guns,” Susan Klebold wrote. “We believed his participation in the massacre was accidental or that he had been coerced. We believed that he did not intend to hurt anyone.”

  The magazine released excerpts from the essay last week and published the full text Tuesday.

  A magazine spokeswoman said Susan Klebold has turned down several interview requests over the years but agreed several months ago to share an essay. There were no plans for her to appear on the show.

  In an introduction to the essay, Oprah Winfrey told readers, “Since the day her son participated in the most devastating high school shooting America has ever seen, I have wanted to sit down with Susan Klebold to ask her the questions we’ve all wanted to ask — starting with, ‘How did you not see it coming?’ and ending with ‘How did you survive?’”

  A spokeswoman for Susan Klebold has said there would be no further comment.

  One of the shooting’s survivors, Krystal Miller, said Tuesday she has long had questions for the Klebolds but understood their silence.

  “Over the years I would’ve loved to hear something,” said Miller, whose maiden name was Krystal Woodman. “But it sounds like she is still just reeling from it and processing it. So how is someone supposed to come out and give answers when they’re still trying to figure it out themselves?”

  英文演讲稿 4

Dear pupils and teachers:

  Good morning! I’m from Class xx,Gradexx .You can call me xxI’d like to talk about the ways to learn English first.

  There is no easy and quick way to learn English.

  Speak English as much as possible .Try your best. The best time to do that is in the morning and the evening. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

  Listen to English as much as possible. Listen to the teachers when they speak English. And listen to English on the recorder or on the television.English programmes about traveling on the Guangzhou English Channel are fun,I think.

  If you do all these things with the help of your teachers, you will learn English very well.

  I hope that everybody can improve their English in this way.Thats all.Thanks

  Goodbye and good luck to you!THANK YOU!

  英文演讲稿 5

  needs your participation, and china"s economic development will also offer you tremendous opportunities. i hope that chinese enterprises will learn from the advanced experiences of foreign enterprises. they must go out and temper themselves in the winds and storms of economic globalization, and build up their own competitiveness. the chinese government will offer good terms to and create a better environment for foreign enterprises investing here.

  china"s development and that of other countries, the development of the south and that of the north in the world are all interlinked and complementary. they should step up exchanges and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. the chinese people hope to lead peaceful and happy lives, and also hope that the people of other countries will enjoy peaceful and happy lives. the people of all countries should strive hand in hand to overcome all the challenges to human survival, protect the ecological environment, narrow the gap between rich and poor, build a just and rational international economic order, and achieve common development and universal prosperity. the developed countries should assume more responsibilities in this regard, and the developing countries should constantly seek to do better for themselves.

  the human race has reached another historic moment---the turn of a century and a change of millennium. the initiative lies in the hands of the people of each country. let us make a joint effort for the noble cause of advancing peace and human progress! i strongly believe that china will have a better tomorrow and that the world will have a better tomorrow.

  英文演讲稿 6

  Last Monday,we had a school meeting and our headmaster spoke highly of a kind boy,whose name is LiHua.The boy is a Junior high school student.we all respect him very much because of his kindness.

  One day, LiHua went to school by bus as usual. when he was ready to get on the bus,he saw a thief stealing a womans wallet,and there is a knife in his hand.

  LiHua was afraid that the thief would hurt other people on the bus. Suddenly, a good idea came to his mind. He walked to the woman and said" Mum,I want to use your mobilphone.

  Soon, the woman realized what happened and replied,"ok, I will give it to you". The driver noticed the thief. He drived the bus to the police station. At last, the thief was under control. Later, the woman sent a letter to our school to express her thanks to Li Hua.

  Though I am a senior high school student, I cant do as well as LiHua. His kindness touched me,including all of you.

  As we all know, a kind heart is important for everyone. Kindness can make the world more beautiful and more lovable. In other words, if the world is a cup,kindness is like cofee, which makes the world meaningful.

  英文演讲稿 7

  Hello! Everyone, I’m Ma Yun . The virgo who change the world. Today is September 19th.This evening Alibaba wlii land the New York stock exchange after the delisting.

  We’ve got the integration of listed for $68 per share total $218 billion.what a sign of that? We are the third global financing scale. Dear,$1748 billion. How much time we need to spend that money ?

  I know,maybe you are very worship me. But in more than ten years ago. People always say I am a liar. What I want to make yellow pages for the State Sports Commission. They ignores me and said “you should make an appointment” Appointment your sisiter! Thanks for a TV photographer recorded that for me. Now think about it, I’ll say “today you ignore metomorrow I’ll shut you out .”

  When I was in trouble I went to USA and eager finance 2 million dollars. However,I was rejected by 300 VC. That day, I felt I’m really a short poor ugly guy.

  But today what I want is 2 hurndred billion . As a result, the participants of the investors lined upon the same floor where I live in the 90th floor like thousands of people waiting for ipone 6 in front of an Apple store.

  Behind my valiant record there is also a time when I make a mistake. That was Yahoo! Only spent 10 billion bought our 40% shares. Bartz later refused to cooperate wihe me. I really want marry her and dumped her.

  So our equity situation is 34.4% share hold by Softbank. 22.6% share hold by Yahoo. As chairman of board. I only hold 8.9%. LuZhaoxi holds 1%. Others hold 29.6% share. Bright spot is the other,

  I really don’t want to say anymore. I kow after tonight Alibaba must be looked as a giant company by foreigners. But who knows the “Alibaba” trademark was not in our hands before. Thanks to the party and the country that we win the lawsuit or now “Alibaba” really become a sesame oil brand.

  As this roadshow process. I repeated the ecological energy of Aligroup. Now we have a very awesome Alipay, Taobao, Tmall business group and those about to enter the KTV, the pharmacy and usury industry. The next step, we will bet on logistics and intelligent hardware field. Last year we set up food logistics.

  This year we will enter the domestic mobile phone industry. When ZTE—Huawei—Coopad—Lenovo Association is dying. I think that Meizu, oppo still have sense of B. Even

  laoluo and letv start to do smart phone. What else can I do? So Alibaba is going to buy Meizu immediately and become a next grains.

  There’s an old saying in china the rich won’t last 3 generations. Our vision is to make the Alibaba to become a sustainable development enterprise. Which will last for 3 generation. I believe that afer the next time Alibaba delisting listed again.We can achieve a trillion enterprise. Finally ,I decided to give each of your Alipay account with 919 RMB to commemorate the listed, thank you.

  英文演讲稿 8

  When clock is belling,my heart ripple along with it,to distant with you,transmit my missing,to be joyful!My dear students!

  Please open the window,let the new years wind blow your room and the snow flying in,my warming wish flutter to your heart!Flowers are disseminationing fragrant,friendship transmissing warm,hope us to brimming in a happy year,wishes you: Happy New Year! Best wishes! Does not experience the wind and rain, how can see the rainbow?nobody can casually succeed!So refuel!The same as New year!

  Missing are a smell of flower fragrance,inundated the mountain valley,cover your and me,and blessing are the boundless attention,overflow the eye,until the heart.We hugging and listening the new yearclock,just like listening the breath of annual,crowding around our same dream,making the sincerly blessing with the ture love,Happy New Year!

  My dear friend!wish you happy usually,have the vitality continually,still have happiness and content,Im very happy to cooperate with you in the past year,hoped you best wishes in the new year!The breeze lightly strokes,the white clouds far pass,in my heart was the eternal friendship,willing my blessing is the most freshest,and you will take it to your heart!

  英文演讲稿 9

  good morning,dear teacher and my friends. it’s a very intresting topic today. i think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child. wed go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid. every child has a good and great father, and so do i. my dad played a very important role in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years. my father always stands in the center of my life, from past till now and possibly in the future. my family was rather poor when i was in my childhood. we didnt have our own house and had to live in a shabby, small room rented from my fathers factory.

  the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk. i didnt have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents. this is terrible both for my parents and me. but father made this all different!he works very hard on his own business, now we have our own 2 housese,surly,i have my own room.and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer. when i was little, i did everything with my dad. you could always find me sitting on his knee or walking and doing everything with him. every night he would read me a bed time story and make the voices of each character. i learnt a lot from my daddy. i learnt to never take things to seriously and to always smile. like many other fathers, my dad and i also has generation gap.

  he is not good at or even can’t work the computer. so when i sitting at the computer desk,he will say something like ‘you should pay more attention to your study’, ‘don’t waste time on the computer games’ , ‘it will be bad for your eyes’ and so on. how can i- a computer fan – reduce time on computer? so i continue studying and playing on it years pasted, my father is over 45 now. it is time for me to look after him and i am sure i will do and we will live an even better life. and i will say,i really love you dad,cause you are the hero in my mind. thank you so much!

  英文演讲稿 10

  Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen!

  I’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! my topic is Opportunities and Challenges.

  First, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? Happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”

  Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 2008 Olympic Games. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.

  Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. I’m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?

  I’ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you?”

  For us, I mean the Chinese youth, 2008 Olympic Games is a tremendous gift. Because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .The society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. After chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the Olympic Games. And mine is to be a “comforter” ----that is someone who will give comfort to others.

  At the end of my speech, I hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.

  I thank you!

  英文演讲稿 11

  The blue sky and white clouds, hope that somehow the freedom of flight. Teachers and parents, we hope that the healthy growth. Now , I’d like to write music to harmonious campus.

  Harmony is the common feature of all the beautiful things. Achieve harmony and to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment will be an eternal theme. Building a harmonious campus to establish a harmonious relationship with students. Teachers to enlighten the knowledge of our culture , from naive to mature. We need to pay teachers’ cherish.

  Building a harmonious campus students need to establish harmonious relations. Help them, and let them feel the warmth of harmonious campus. Maintain a good attitude of tolerance towards people , the students are friendly to each other, to create a harmonious interpersonal relationships.

  The need to build a harmonious campus to establish good study , a good ethos. We should promote a vibrant style of the team, a real study , the unity displayed a style of class and diligence to make personal style in a good environment. The students forge ahead and to the ideal of hard work. Learning positive, thereby creating a harmonious atmosphere for education.

  The flower opens the day, let’s us happily study in the harmonious atmosphere.

  The flower opens the day, let’s us influence the sentiment in the harmonious interest paradise.

  The flower opens the day, let’s us healthily grow in the harmonious relationship.

  Future will not be the dream, today, in our hand.

  Thank you~

  英文演讲稿 12

  since the quality of honesty applies to all behaviors, one cannot refuse to consider factual information, for example, in an unbiased manner and still claim that ones knowledge, belief or position is an attempt to be truthful. such a belief is clearly a product of ones desires and simply has nothing to do with the human ability to know. basing ones positions on what one wants — rather than unbiased evidence gathering — is dishonest even when good intentions can be cited — after all even hitler could cite good intentions and intended glory for a select group of people. clearly then, an unbiased approach to the truth is a requirement of honesty.

  because intentions are closely related to fairness and certainly affect the degree of honesty/dishonesty, there is a wide spread confusion about honesty--and a general belief that being dishonest means that one always correctly understands if their behavior is either honest or dishonest. self-perception of our morality is non-static and volatile. its often at the moment we refuse to consider other perspectives that there is a clear indication we are not

  pursuing the truth, rather than simply and exclusively at the moment we can muster up evidence that we are right. socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behavior was wrong — then they simply wouldnt do it — by definition. unfortunately, honesty in the western tradition has been marginalized to specific instances — perhaps because a thorough understanding of honesty collides with ideologies of all types. ideologies and idealism often exaggerate and suppress evidence in order to support their perspectives — at the expense of the truth. this process erodes the practice and understanding of honesty. to an ideologist the truth quite often becomes insignificant, what matters most are their ideals and what ever supports their desires to enjoy and spread those ideals.

  human beings are inherently biased about what they believe to be good due to individual tastes & backgrounds, but once one understands that a decidedly biased approach to what is true — is inherently dishonest, one can also understand how idealism and ideology have poorly served the quest for an honest, moral society. both honesty and morality require that we base our opinions about what is good — upon unbiased ideas of what is true — rather than vice versa

  (determining what is true based on what we feel is good) — the way all ideologies would have us believe.

  英文演讲稿 13

  A general dictionary defines teamwork as a "Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause unison for a higher cause people working together for a selfless purpose and so on."Applied to workplaces teamwork is a method that aligns employee mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose.

  Today there is no business or organization that does not talk about the need and value of teamwork in the workplace. While the concept of teamwork and its benefits are well known and talked about it is very rare to see it being practiced truly in reality. And you may have often noticed what appears outwardly as teamwork is not really teamwork internally. Some things cannot be accomplished by people working individually. Larger more ambitious goals usually require that people work together with other people. Because of this teamwork is a desired goal of many businesses and organizations today. Projects often require that people work together in order to accomplish a common goal. Although critics often argue that in the corporate world teamwork has become an empty buzzword or a form of corporate-speak. Effective collaborative skills are necessary to work well in a team environment. As businesses and organizations become larger or more sophisticated. Many employers attempt to enhance their employees collaborative efforts through training cross-training and workshops in order to help people effectively work together in a cohesive group and accomplish shared goals.

  Human beings are fiercely independent animals and we will always have our own opinions and independent methods of doing something. This is the way our minds are hardwired by nature. Ecept for a very small percentage of us sharing and collaboration with others is not eactly programmed inside each and every one of us. This is because each person is mainly concerned about his or her rewards appreciation need for power over others and so on. But teamwork is a different ballgame that aligns mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose. And it involves sacrifices sharing of rewards sharing the blame and punishments true uniformity suppression of personal opinions etc. which is not very palatable to many. It is always "What is in it for me" rather than "What is in it for us.

  In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. A Teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group or team in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals.

  A 20 national representative survey HOW-FAIR revealed that Americans think that being a team player was the most important factor in getting ahead in the workplace. This was ranked higher than several factors including merit and performance leadership skills intelligence making money for the organization and long hours.

  “The old structures are being reformed. As organizations seek to become more fleible in the face of rapid environmental change and more responsive to the needs of customers they are eperimenting with new team-based structures”.

  英文演讲稿 14

  Hello, everyone! Good afternoon! I am very glad to have the chance to make this speech. My topic is: how to achieve success. First of all, let us see a story.

  “Long long ago, there was a king who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. To all the men who came to the kings palace to ask for the hand of the princess, the old king gave them three tasks to be accomplished, each next to impossible. One day, there came up a handsome young prince in the kings palace." Well, you know the rest. The three tasks may be different in different versions, but the main plot is always the same, Prince successfully passed all the challenge and got the heart of the princess in time. And the ending is always the same, finishing with the line "And they live happily ever after."

  Why arent we tired of this story so beautiful, so uealistic (, I would say, so unimaginative ? How can a story like that can enduregenerations of repetition? The reason, I think, is that a typical success story like this is so close to our daily life. Moreover we can understand so deeply, it is not just a story, but a good will from people’s inner heart. By implication, we see a 4-step definitions of success: 1 ) a goal to be set. as represented by the beautiful princess. So you’d better find your princess as soon as possible; 2 ) challenges to be meet, as represented by the three tasks. Only if you directly meet the challenge, can you besuccessful; 3 ) the process of overcoming difficulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth goes through; 4 ) the reward of success, as represented by the happy marriage. That’s all! Find your princess, meet challenges, overcome difficulties, and have a good life.

  Thank you!

  英文演讲稿 15

  The rhythm of life how well are we in tune with the rhythm of life? in our busy day to day existence, we dont often stop to ask ourselves this question. at least i dont. and it wasnt until i joined a competitive sporting event that i learned a most important

  lesson – we must place our mind in harmony with the natural order of things to be successful. let me tell you what happened.

  i decided to take part in an international marathon in my hometown last year. being an ambitious person, i hoped to finish it within 5 hours, accompanied by my friend with whom i had trained. the big day finally arrived. “ready…set…bang” and we were off. at first, we kept a rapid pace and ran nonstop. at this pace, we finished the first 20 kilometers in 2 hours and i thought running a marathon was a piece of cake. then my running mate began to slow down. i urged him to keep running at the same pace but he said no, he wanted to conserve his energy. i felt i had partnered with the wrong person, therefore, i sprinted on and left him behind in the dust. a few kilometers later, i began to understand his strategy as my pace slowed to a jog then a walk. after that i was incapable of moving another step. i was humiliated as more and more people ran passed me. more than once i thought “maybe i should quit.” i started to doubt my ability to finish this race. at this moment, my running mate caught up with me and

  slapped me on the back. “follow me,” he shouted. he had balanced his marathon pace and was encouraged me to do the same. for the rest of this grueling contest, we walked, jogged, ran a few miles, and walked again. slowly, painfully but hopefully this time, we established the most suitable pace within the natural flow of our physical capabilities. eventually we accomplished our first marathon of 42 kilometers in 4 and half hours. i asked myself, what did this marathon mean to me? my marathon experience became an influential metaphor for my life about how we must learn to pace ourselves in everything, by being in tune with the rhythm of life. like the tide that ebbs and flows, we must listen to advice but make our own decisions. like the show at dawn and dusk, we must learn to balance pride and modesty. and from the way the wind can both shout and whisper, we must learn when to be strong and when to be gentle, for everything moves in its own rhythm and its own yin and yang elements. it is the interaction of these complementary extremes that produces harmony, as laozi said, extremes meet. since the marathon, this notion of two opposite forces working together has been my running partner, so to speak. yin and yang exist everywhere, constantly interacting, and

  never existing in an absolute condition.

  ladies and gentlemen, life is like running a marathon, let us discover, define and develop a natural rhythm of life, in order to achieve both harmony and success. thank you for listening.

  英文演讲稿 16

my dream:

  i enter tile university after years of hardstudy and preparation. but life in the university is not as satisfactory as what i had expected. i become lazy and dont want to study.i become silcent. i become puzzled. i dont know what i can do in the future. then i become unhappy.

  four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. now it has passed a half. in this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what i want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. i dont want to follow their suggestion, and i want to go my style. so i think carefully. i have been a young volunteer for five s very happy and significant. then i have a dream.i want to join the university student volunteers go west programe. i think i can be a teacher in the west.i want to try my best to help them and help me. i want to see the world cearly. now i cant reach its demand and its very diffcult,but i will work hard in the next two years. there is an old saying"where there is a will,there is a way."i think my dream can come in the university i mature,and in the university i prepare for the real world.

  at last,i want to say to everybody"hlod fast to your dreams,no matter how big or small they path to dreams may not be smooth and wide,even some sacrifices are hold on to the end,you can find there is no geater happiness than making your dream come ture."

  英文演讲稿 17

Dear teachers, dear classmates,

  Hello everyone!

  Time like the gyro flies, the years seem to be ruthless. Three years of time gradually flowed away, and everyone changed from ignorant schoolchildren to green teenagers. Together we walk through the four seasons, sharing knowledge and gaining growth. But all this will be precipitated in beautiful memories. From now on, we will sail to another beautiful harbor in our life. At this time, looking back at the three years of junior high school life, and the feelings of teachers and students, the same window years, we are hard to restrain the excitement of our heart.

  First of all, on behalf of all my graduating students in XX, I would like to thank our teachers for their hard education and training over the past three years. If three years of junior high school life are like stars, scattered in every corner of our memory, then the teacher is the deep universe. It is its foil that makes stars even more dazzling. Every progress we make in learning will make them happy. Every mistake we make often makes them feel uncomfortable. Although they may sometimes be too strict, they are working day and night, giving us three years of their life, all of which are even more smooth and more smooth for us to walk on the road of life. We know that the teachers in Dafang No.3 are outstanding. They are brilliant and dedicated.

  Some people say that junior high school life is a hasty book. Three years ago, we entered the school with excitement and admiration. For three years, in the cradle of the temple of knowledge and the cultivation of talents, we felt the warmth and richness of her. Three years of time, more than 1000 pages of anger and sorrow, this is so hurried, but it leaves us so many vivid details, so many wonderful pieces. Among them, there are young frivolity, ignorance, the experience of green failure, the mature understanding of a sudden, and the endless success story. Three years of life, we hurried through, but full and beautiful; we sweat, but accompanied by laughter; we tread thorns, but smell smells. In the past three years, we grew up with three middle schools. This is our warm home. In this happy family, we have created the brilliance once and again with diligence and wisdom. We weave the warm and gorgeous junior high school life with dreams and youth. Here, let us be grateful to our alma mater, thank the leaders of the school, thank our beloved teacher, thank our dear classmates, and send our sincere wishes to them.

  There is no banquet in the world. At the moment, the song is gone, but farewell is equally beautiful, because it is a prelude to reunion. By then, we may cry, but don#39;t worry. It has been said that this is the evidence of youth. Is it, let us have memories, know how to cherish. Actually, parting is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we forget ourselves. Every moment, everyone has to be the best himself. I believe that we will use our own actions to show that we are worthy of the excellent graduates of the third place. We will fight the wind and waves together, go forward, and realize the dream of the famous school.

  To raise a soldier for a thousand days and to use a soldier for a moment. Now, we are faced with a major challenge in our learning career -- the mid-term exam. But we should not be afraid, and never shrink back. Besides, what can we fear? What really scared us is fear itself. After three years of experience, the eagle#39;s wings are solid and its plumage is plump. Looking away, the blue sky is calling us, the sun has illuminated the road ahead, the white clouds wait for us, and the high mountains will look up to us, and we will soar in the storm.

  We all believe that quot;it will be useful for us!quot; at this moment, we will face an unusual moment, a glorious moment, a solemn and hopeful moment. It may be difficult, but know that when we are at the most difficult time, when we are close to success, it is our quot;useful timequot;! Everything is ready, only the east wind. Students! The horn has been sounded, packed up, with the most sharp mind, with a most careful mind, holding the most powerful fist, believing in his strength, believing in his own effort, charging confidently, being his master and holding his own destiny. Let the scorching sun of June shine out of our bitter smile.

  Finally, I wish all the teachers good health and good work. I wish all of you can get satisfactory results in the middle school entrance examination, and use your brilliant smile to welcome the new dawn of tomorrow.

  Thank you all.

  英文演讲稿 18

ladies and gentlemen:

  dream, with each one of us.

  dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heart the most beautiful expectations, so the dream also become our long-held beliefs.

  dream is the sun, it makes people from impetuous to solid, from the hesitation to the firm, and on the road to m is powerful, it is the life source of forward momentum; lofty dreams can inspire a life all potential.

  because of this we will go to dream, to grasp the dream, the pursuit of because of countrys dream is the one peoples little dream, is not affected by big dream small dreams, but just because one little dream realization and achievement of the establishment of the great dream, why not?

  my dream, our dream, to improve the chinese you the day of my dreams to realize, is standing at the time of china.

  thank you!

  英文演讲稿 19

  How to develop low-carbon economy, There have been many environmentalprotection problems in recent years . One of the most serious problem isgreenhouse gas emissions have caused climate change, At the same time ,lots oftrees have been used and our earth is becoming warmer and warmer. brings us illnesses and death.

  Luckily, many countries have done a lot to stop environmental s the most important in the environmental protection today.

  In my opinion, on the one hand ,through education we should make peoplerealize that destroying the environment means destroying ourselves, On the otherhand , we should try to do something to produce fewer greenhouse gasemissions.

  In a word. we must develop low-carbon economy.

  英文演讲稿 20

Teachers and students,

  is honored to talk about myself in this place; also very happy to be able to meet you again in this place.

  Its more of a communication than a display, just listen to my Cinderella talk about the dream of the white swan! We are all familiar, but we have not yet reached the point of understanding. This seems to have created some obstacles to the development of our friendship, but to think about it from another angle, perhaps this familiar strangeness can make our friendship even greater. Play. By the way, what I want to say today is mine and all of us-friendship! There is no definite definition of friendship, and in this narrow period of time, what I think of is whether friendship needs to be understood or needs to be understood.

  Look at us. Some people can only talk because they don’t understand. She or he hasn’t entered the world you talked to, and you won’t feel embarrassed. It’s because you don’t understand. Sympathetic and outspoken, you can communicate more objectively and rationally; it is because you do not understand that you need to understand, it is because you do not understand that you want to be understood... and understanding has always been the vocabulary we call. It is our inner desire and the basis of exchange and sublimation.

  Flying birds do not understand the language of fish, but they can understand its tears, so they spin around in the sea, and the fish forget to cry, and swim with the Qianying swim. I dont understand the darkness of the night during the day, but the setting sun can see the smoke rising, calling the moon and pretending to play with the stars.

  英文演讲稿 21

  Respected leaders, teachers, classmates: Good afternoon everyone! Todays topic of my speech is: honesty, the basis of being a man.

  Honesty is the foundation of personal and national survival of the root. A dishonest person is dangerous goods society, but not a nation of good faith is a great tragedy. Therefore, we college students should practice, begin from me, start from scratch, the sincerity in the face, put the letter in my heart. So as to assume the task of building the motherland in the near future.

  Tracing back to the 5000 year history of civilization of the Chinese nation, you will find that there are many stories about honesty and trustworthiness. Shang Yang buck ", won the trust people, in order to implement the new law; Jizha sword hanging but Xu Juns wish, transferred to eternal story. At the same time, we also see that because of the loss of integrity death can also be examples of words: Zhou dishonesty, accelerate the demise of the country; Wu Sangui break, leaving the eternal infamy. As early as two thousand years ago, Confucius devoted his life writing, this credibility is the foundation, is the founding of the country, is the human development. So far, thousands of years, its great spirit has long been popular, every corner of the be handed down from age to age, burn the earth, and as the essence of Oriental civilization throughout the world. Therefore, sincerity is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is a long, heavy life long drain out of the red pure gold. Therefore, we talk about the integrity of today is not a whim.

  "He is resolute.". The famous Haier group once had such experience: after issuing the contract with customers, due to various reasons, the company delayed the delivery time, in order to abide by the contract, the company decided to use the air, so lost a lot of money, but it won a reputation. The president proudly said, "we succeeded because we would rather lose all our possessions than lose our credit. But in todays society, in order to reap huge profits, the merchants to pork with water, soaked with formalin seafood, the It is often seen. fake cigarettes, poisonous rice, milk powder, destroying many lives! In the face of those emerge in an endless stream liar, impossible to guard against deception, to fake spurious products, in kind people helpless behind and helpless, is the whole social honesty system has been a serious impact on the hitherto unknown!

  So, in this history as a mirror, integrity is the foundation of a country is more fundamental to our contemporary college students.

  As the masters of the future motherland, we are faced with a new science and technology, new information, new system constantly emerging, increasingly competitive information age. To be able to adapt to this era, so that our nation standing in this competitive world, we must be honest and trustworthy. You can not have money, you can not honor, you can not health, but you can not have integrity, integrity examination, honesty, honesty, doing things, this is to comply with the call of the times, is imperative. University Campus undertakes the important task of moral education for students, and "honesty" education is also indispensable. Let students develop their own moral judgment ability in moral education practice, and get the self perfection, self satisfaction, self affirmation and spiritual enjoyment of moral quality. In a word, the key to honesty education is to influence the wider social population through the radiation effect of the school, so as to form a great environment for everyone to be honest.

  Now, the credit problem has become more and more severe. Why? Honest people always suffer, a liar is our power, the values of college students has a tilt. The vicious competition of education, which college students psychological speculation. Social impetuous psychology, making our college students impetuous, unable to sit on the bench, unable to bear loneliness, calm down. Usually do not work hard, cramming, cheating occurs. Not the weight of good faith, but can make people have a feather light, can make people of Taishan; good faith is not the size, can make people feel dull, pale, can make people happy mood.

  英文演讲稿 22

  ladies and gentlemen, good morning. it’s my great honor to be here and i am very happy to see you all. thank you for being here. what i am going to talk about today is how to speak good English. making

  first of all, i’d like to talk about the importance of speaking good English and share my experience in learning English with you. as you know, English has become an international language. wherever you go, English is always commonly used. it is convenient to know the language. at the same time, English may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future. the language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly English. being able to absorb this information is really the key to the new century. in the 21century. we can’t go there and speak our own language because nobody is going to learn it in order to understand us. our asian rival, india, has surged ahead of other developing countries in information technology because of its superior English skills. unlewe are able to master English, we will not be able to get our population to use it and take advantage of the new economy. there is an urgent need to have a workforce which is proficient in the language in view of the information technology onslaught.

  second, about learning English, i think laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step. in other words, you should read and speak English every day. memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful. of course, learning English takes some time, so don’t be impatient. remember, rome wasn’t built in a day. and then since English is not our native tongue, we must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds. when you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible. tongue muscles’ training is of importance in learning any foreign language.

  third, if you want to speak good English, please don’t care how poorly well you speak, only care about catching the chances to speak. you must enjoy losing face, just forget about your face. the more you speak, the better your English will become. the more mistakes you make, the more progreyou will make. you must enjoy speaking poor English, because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success. don’t give up. just try your best. every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. you can make it.

  i have made a considerable amounts of public English speaking in my life, i am often asked why the crazy English method is better than other methods or if the crazy English method will help all English learners. my answer is, the method will help the English learners because it is a perfect match with the chinese principles of diligence, self-help and determination. mere exposure to English will not enable you to speak English. if you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive, if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance, if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim. in fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning English. you can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills. in order to be a swimmer you’ve got to conquer you fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it. but, to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again. to be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.

  finally, i want to greet you and encourage you to seize this unique opportunity to conquer English and make lifelong friends from all over our college. as you know, we are human beings ,not animals. we know what we want to do. we know our destiny is in our hands. with hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our mind to do. today, i will accompany you every minute on this unique journey. i want you to open your heart, i want you to be devoted, i want you to be crazy, i want you to forget about your face, i want to open your mouth wildly, i want you conquer your lazineand all the other human weaknesses, i want you to overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.

  i want to share your joy and i want to share your struggle, but most important of all, i want to share your glory and victory. we are the future of china, the future of asian, and the future of the world. we desire to win, we must win, we will win, absolutely, definitely, and without any doubt! form a painfully shy boy who felt terrible about himself, who regarded himself as human trash, a born loser, to an internationally recognized English promoter, i made it. so i strongly believe that you will make it too. i have confidence in you.

  英文演讲稿 23

  I’m so honored. I never expect there are so many people coming here to listen to my talk. And when I sitting there I feel so important. Thank you, thank you very much. Before my talk I would like to ask how many people here have used Alibaba services. Good, not many. [Laughs]. And how many of you here have never been to China? Never been, never been to China. Good, thank you very much.

  Well, 20 years ago I came to America. My first trip to America, to Seattle. Before that I learned so much about America, from my books, from my teachers, from my school, and my parents. And I think I know enough about America. But when I came to America I thought totally wrong. America is not what I learned from the books. And in Seattle I found the Internet, and then I came back and tell my friends that I’m going to open a company called Internet. I invited 24 of my friends, had a two-hour discussion. And finally [unintelligible 00:01:19] we had a vote. 23 of them against me. “Forget about it. There’s no such kind of network called Internet. Don’t do it.” There’s only one person who said “Jack, I trust you. I don’t know what that is, but if you want to try it, go ahead, try it. Because you’re still young.” At that time I was 30 years old.

  So I started my business, without knowing anything about computer, without knowing anything about business. I started my first company, my wife and I and a school mate. We borrowed [start] from US $1,000 we start the business. It was so difficult. I called myself like a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers. Jumping around for the past 20 years I survive today. For the first three years life was really bad. I remember I tried to borrow US $3,000 from the banks. It took me three months asking any friends I know to borrow the money [unintelligible 00:02:22].Still failed, coz verybody said “Jack is telling a lie, because there’s no such network called Internet in 1996.”

  So one day, later 1996, China was connected to the Internet. I invited ten media friends to my apartment. I want to tell them I’m not telling a lie. There is a network called Internet. We waited three hours and a half to see the first – to download the first picture. And people said “Is that thing going to work?” And I say “Yeah, it’ll work, but not today. In ten years it’ll work.” But at least it proved that I was not telling a lie.

  I remember when we tried to help our all business to sell online. Nobody want to sell because nobody come to buy. So first week we have seven employees, we buy and sell ourselves. The second week somebody start to sell on a website. We buy everything they sell. We have two rooms full of things we bought for New Year’s, [all garbage] for the first two weeks. In order to tell people that it works. It was not easy. Since 1995 to 1999 we failed. We go nowhere, our business, because nothing was ready. In 1999 I invited 18 friends of mine who came to my apartment. We decided to do it again. We call the name alibaba.com. And people say why Alibaba? We believe Internet is a treasure island which opens sesame for all business. And we used Alibaba because it’s easy to spell, easy to remember. And we want to focus on helping all business.

  Because at that time we see [unintelligible 00:04:26] commerce [with the] American e-commerce they focus on helping on big companies, they’re focusing on helping big companies to save the cost. We believed China we don’t have a lot of big companies, we have so many all business, and all business it’s so difficult for them to survive. If we can using Internet as a technology to help all business it’ll be fantastic. So we start to say if America is good at helping big companies, just like America is good at making basketball we should play pingpong in China, we should help the all guys. And we should not helping all guys to save cost, because all business know how to save the cost, but all business should learn how to make money. So our business is focusing helping all business to make money online.

  And we want to make the company last for 102 years. And people are curious – why 102 years? Because Alibaba was born in 1999, last year we had – last century we had one year, this century 100 years, next century one year. 102 across three centuries. We give a clear goal to any employees. Don’t say we are successful, no matter how much money we raised, no matter how much money we make, no matter how much we have achieved. Don’t forget we want to live 102 years. Now, 16 years passed, we have another 86 years to go. Because in next 86 years, if any time we die we’re never successful. When I heard this club is 108 years old I was surprised and shocked. There’s so much we can learn from that.

  Well, today nobody believed that Alibaba could survive, because people say “You are [free], you’re tiny” and, you know, and especially when we talk about – when we IPO’d people say “Ah, you are Alibaba, you are e-commerce. You’re like Amazon.” Because in American point of view Amazon probably is the only business model for e-commerce. But no, we are different. The difference between us and Amazon is that we do not buy and sell, but we help all business to buy and sell. We have 10 million all business on our site buy and sell every day. And we do not deliver our packages, although – ourselves, though we have more than 2 million people help us to deliver over 30 million packages per day.

  We do not own warehouses, but we manage tens and thousands of warehouses for other all, medium sized delivery companies. And we do not own inventories, but we do have more than 350 million buyers. We have more than 120 million buyers coming to shop every day on our site. And also, we sell – our revenue last – our sales last year were US$ 390 billion. And this year, possibly, we are going to be bigger than Walmart globally. And Walmart manage – that size of business have more than 2.3 million people; we grow from 18 people to today 34,000 people.

  And the difference between Amazon and us the other is Amazon is a shopping center. Because here e-commerce is commerce, in China e-commerce is a lifestyle. Young people [unintelligible 00:08:08], they using e-commerce to exchange ideas, they communicate, they build up the trust, they build up a record. It’s just like Starbucks – you never go to Starbucks to test how wonderful coffee is. It’s a lifestyle. And this is how Internet e-commerce is changing China.

  And what we felt proud of is not how much things we sell. I said this year we’ll be bigger than Walmart – yes, we are proud. We know in five years we will sell US$ 1 trillion. This is my goal, which we think possibly we will make it. We are proud of that but we are more proud because we create direct [and indirect] job, 14 million jobs for China. And we’ve created jobs in the countryside. We created a lot of jobs for women. Over 51 percent of the power sellers on the Internet are women.

  So we feel so proud of that. And people say okay, now Alibaba did that. Whats your next? Whats your future cause you are everywhere. We, 80 percent of the buy and the sell online are created by our company. Our future is that we have to focus on globalizing our business. Its not only sell more things. We want to make, to globalize the infrastructure of eCommerce. Why Internet eCommerce grow so fast in China than in the USA? Because the infrastructure of commerce in China was too bad. Not like here. You have [Click] Motors. You have all the shops offline, Walmart, Kmart, everything everywhere. But in China we have nothing nowhere.

  So eCommerce in the US is a dessert. Its complementary to the main business. But in China it becomes the main course. We created the infrastructure. So we think if we globalize our infrastructure — the payment, the logistics center, the transparent platform all around the world. Helping the all business around the world to sell everywhere. Help the global consumers to buy everywhere. Our vision is in ten years we will help two billion consumers in the world to shop online anywhere in the world. Youre shopping online with 72 hours youll receive the product. And anywhere in China you shop online, you will receive the products within 24 hours. And we think our globalization is still focused on helping all business. And helping them to do business in the most efficient ways. And we think that we will help another ten million business on our eCommerce platform.

  We will empower them. Well give them the traffic. Well give them the payment system. Well give them the logistics system so they can do business anywhere easily and quickly. And we will help. We will have 40 percent of our business outside China. Today we only have two percent of our business outside China. So people keep on asking, now you are big. You raised that much money. Whats your play in America? People say well are you going to come? When are you going to come to invade America? When I going to compete with Amazon? When I going to compete with eBay? Well I would say we show great respect for eBay and Amazon. But I think the opportunity and the, the strategy for us is helping all business in America go to China, sell their products to China.

  Today in China, the middle class for China is almost the same as the American population. And we think in ten years it will be more than half a billion Chinese people will be middle class. The demanding for middle class, the demanding for good products, good service was so powerful, so strong. And I think China today cannot afford the good products, good service to them. And then next is that China has been focused on exporting in the past 20 years. And I think next ten, ten-twenty years China we should be focusing on importing. Chinese should learn to buy. Chinese should spend the money. Chinese should buy a lot of things from globally. And I think that American all business, American branded products you should use the Internet, go to China.

  Past 20 years big companies of America is already all over China. But its the great opportunity for using the eCommerce for all business to go to America. In the past years we have helped a lot of American farmers selling things to China. For example the Seattle cherries, you will never believe that the ambassador, the American ambassador to China, he came to us say, Jack can you help us to sell the cherries in Seattle. I say how can we sell cherries? The cherries still on the trees. And we started place order, 80,000 families booked the order. And when we got the order we ship, we pick up the cherries and ship to China within 24 hours 80,000 families, 160 tons of cherries were sold. And last year we sold over 300 tons of cherries. And I dont know whats this year about.

  We also helped Alaska seafood. We helped Canada to sell the lobsters. The lobster we sold probably ten years they cannot sell. And we also have a lot of American branded companies using our site to sell. Costco the company, they sold 600 tons of nuts on our site for the first month. And for the first month theyre using Alibaba 6.5 million US dollars. So I think if we can help to sell lobsters, if we can help sell the cherries, why we cannot help these all, medium size companies to China using our system? So this is what I want, and also I want to take one day for example November, November 11th, the [Singles] Day. We make that a shopping day. Last year for that day we sold 9.7 billion US dollars. And for the first minute shopping we have 24 million people rushed in for the first minute. And this year we guess the number was scary, so my purpose coming here that we need more American products to China.

  We have a hungry 100 million people coming to buy every day. So this is why we come here. We not come here to compete. We come here to bring the all business. My vision is that in ten, twenty years anywhere you buy anywhere, sell anywhere. Philippine people can buy salmon on Norway. Norway people can sell things to Argentina. Argentina can buy and sell to China. This is how the Internet is going to change. And lastly I want to say we have changed the China. We feel proud of that, and we think that the change, the power of change is so powerful. The first revolution of technology we have the, the organization of business called a factory. And had our first World War because of the strength of the arms and muscles. The second revolution energy, we have the organization called companies, and have the second World War.

  This time Internet. The data, and I think we have a new business called platform. And the third World War is going to happen. And this war is not between nations, this war we work together against the disease, the poverty, the climate change. And I believe this is our future. The human being, the nations shall unite together. Rely on the young people using not the guns, using computers, using the data to solve the human problem, solve the society problems. And this is what Im passionate about. Its not about the money, its about dreams. Its not only the technology change the world, its the dreams you believe that change the world. And we know the way, the way is not easy. As I was told in the past 20 years doing Internet business in China, today is difficult, and tomorrow is much more difficult. But the day after tomorrow is beautiful. Most people die tomorrow evening, if you dont work hard. Thank you very much.

  英文演讲稿 24

  how well are we in tune with the rhythm of life? in our busy day to day existence, we dont often stop to ask ourselves this question. at least i dont. and it wasnt until i joined a competitive sporting event that i learned a most important lesson - we must place our mind in harmony with the natural order of things to be successful. let me tell you what happened.

  i decided to take part in an international marathon in my hometown last year. being an ambitious person, i hoped to finish it within 5 hours, accompanied by my friend with whom i had trained. the big day finally arrived. “ready…set…bang” and we were off. at first, we kept a rapid pace and ran nonstop. at this pace, we finished the first 20 kilometers in 2 hours and i thought running a marathon was a piece of cake. then my running mate began to slow down. i urged him to keep running at the same pace but he said no, he wanted to conserve his energy. i felt i had partnered with the wrong person, therefore, i sprinted on and left him behind in the dust.

  a few kilometers later, i began to understand his strategy as my pace slowed to a jog then a walk. after that i was incapable of moving another step. i was humiliated as more and more people ran passed me. more than once i thought “maybe i should quit.” i started to doubt my ability to finish this race. at this moment, my running mate caught up with me and slapped me on the back. “follow me,” he shouted. he had balanced his marathon pace and was encouraged me to do the same. for the rest of this grueling contest, we walked, jogged, ran a few miles, and walked again. slowly, painfully but hopefully this time, we established the most suitable pace within the natural flow of our physical capabilities. eventually we accomplished our first marathon of 42 kilometers in 4 and half hours. i asked myself, what did this marathon mean to me? my marathon experience became an influential metaphor for my life about how we must learn to pace ourselves in everything, by being in tune with the rhythm of life. like the tide that ebbs and flows, we must listen to advice but make our own decisions. like the show at dawn and dusk, we must learn to balance pride and modesty. and from the way the wind can both shout and whisper, we must learn when to be strongand when to be gentle, for everything moves in its own rhythm and its own yin and yang elements. it is the interaction of these complementary extremes that produces harmony, as laozi said, extremes meet. since the marathon, this notion of two opposite forces working together has been my running partner, so to speak. yin and yang exist everywhere, constantly interacting, and never existing in an absolute condition. ladies and gentlemen, life is like running a marathon, let us discover, define and develop a natural rhythm of life, in order to achieve both harmony and success. thank you for listening.


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